Daily Mail

100,000 still locked out in TSB debacle


alMosT 100,000 Tsb customers are still unable to access their accounts online — more than three weeks after the bank’s systems went into meltdown.

The disgraced bank says 95 pc of its customers are now able to log into accounts after the system failure on april 22 which left 1.9 million people with no access.

Tsb says it is working on the issues but could not say when they would be fixed. Call centres have been overwhelme­d with complaints.

some customers have been offered compensati­on of £25 to £50.

but the bank is refusing to outline an official compensati­on plan for those hit by late payment charges or big bills because they could not access their money.

To complain, go to tsb.co. uk/help/complaint-form/ or call 03459 758 758. a.murray@dailymail.co.uk

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