Daily Mail



1. What would you serve at a dinner party?

A) Fine food laboriousl­y prepared and beautifull­y presented. B) A healthy and nutritious meal featuring the latest superfoods. C) A simple, but delicious, curry with all the trimmings. D) Shepherd’s pie with peas and carrots. E) Steak — preferably medium rare. F) Pre- prepared chicken with bagged salad.

2. When someone says ‘cake’, do you think . . .

A) ‘ Yum! Whose recipe is this?’ B) ‘ Doesit contain gluten?’ C) ‘ Mmmm,delicious!’ D) ‘Great! I’d love a cup of tea to go with it.’ E) ‘No thanks, I’m trying to be good . . . ohg, o on then.’ F) ‘Can you wrap me a slice to go?’

3. What’s your food shopping style?

A) I like delis and farmers’ markets. B) I’m a fan of health-food shops and the ‘free-from’ aisles. C) I’m easily tempted by offers. D) I stick closely to my usual shopping list or my online ‘favourites’. E) I’ll grab something at the express supermarke­t close to work. F) I have an online food delivery every week.

4. What do you have for breakfast?

A) Homemademu­ffin. B) Greenjuice. C) Mueslior granola. D) Bowl of cornflakes or toast and marmalade. E) Protein shake. F) Blackcoffe­e.

5. Favourite snack?

A) Smokedalmo­nds. B) Granolabar. C) Chocolate. D) Biscuits. E) Energyball. F) Dietcola.

6. Favourite lunch on the go?

A) Homemade soup with sourdough bread. B) Apre-packed salad. C) A baked potato with cheese and baked beans. D) Ham or cheese sandwich. E) Canteen meal or pub lunch. F) Chocolate or a couple of biscuits.

7. Your ideal chocolate?

A) Minimum 85 per cent cocoa solids. B) Cacaonibs. C) Quality Street or Celebratio­ns. D) Cadbury’sDairy Milk. E) Chilli-infused chocolate. F) Fun-size Milky Way.

8. What do you look for on food labels?

A) I prefer to buy fresh, artisan food. B) I scrutinise the labels, looking for sugar derivative­s, preservati­ves and gluten. C) I rarely look at food labels. D) I’m brand- loyal for familiar names from my childhood (Heinz, Kraft, etc). E) I’ll check the protein content. F) I’m more interested in the price, offers and deals.

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