Daily Mail



ANDY has left the big city to live with his dodgy uncle Jeff in the eccentric seaside town of Flamford, but finds life there has its own tensions. A vital document is missing, and Andy and Jeff have to do battle with a rapacious seagull in a bid to track it down. Shobna Gulati (pictured), Philip Jackson and Tom Palmer star in the fourth episode of the witty sitcom THE BREAK (RADIO 4, 11.30AM (FM)).

MARCIO GOMES led his wife, Andreia, and their terrified little daughters from their 21st-storey flat through the inferno of Grenfell Tower. Andreia, heavily pregnant, was put into a coma to recover from inhaling the thick toxic fumes; their son, Logan, was stillborn. For the first of a week-long series THE GRENFELL WALL (RADIO 4, 12.04PM (FM)), Marcio and Andreia talk about their grief.

THE cracking detective

drama series THE INTERROGAT­ION (RADIO 4, 2.15PM (FM)) comes storming back with a belting opening episode. Yet again, we are in the company of Kenneth Cranham as the old-style white detective and Alex Lanipekun as the bright, young, university-educated black detective. This first story starts with the two of them swapping some tightly written banter, while the young prisoner they want to interview snores away in the background. When the prisoner finally wakes up, he seems curiously eager to confess.

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