Daily Mail

Grenfell error


LAWyer Imran Khan and his law firm really should be taken to task.

he is representi­ng 27 of the grenfell tower victims and has suggested the firefighte­rs’ response to the grenfell tower tragedy was somehow affected by ‘unconsciou­s or some conscious racism’.

even if a fireman was racist, which I doubt, how would he know when fighting his way into a smoke-filled building what race people were?

this is a great new term to shut down criticism, debate and thought.

In plenty of countries, Mr Khan, one could name people of other sects and religions — women who seek freedom, even, and Westerners — who are hated and violently attacked deliberate­ly, not hurt by an accidental fire.

Perhaps you should put your efforts into stopping that.

r. SPreadBUry, liversedge, W. yorks.

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