Daily Mail

Why women are twice as likely to get ‘iPad neck’

- By Victoria Allen Science Correspond­ent

WOMEN are twice as likely to suffer ‘iPad neck’ from hunching over tablet computers than men.

Up to 70 per cent of women who use the devices suffer neck, back and shoulder pain, compared to less than a third of men, a study found. The musculoske­letal problems are made worse if they use the tablets without a back rest, sitting on the floor or lying down.

Physical therapists at the University of Nevada say women may adopt more extreme postures when using the computers because they are shorter and have more narrow shoulders.

A study of more than 400 people found women were 2.059 times more likely than men to suffer musculoske­letal symptoms. These mainly come in the form of neck stiffness, soreness and pain.

Lead author Dr Szu-Ping Lee from the University of Nevada, said the results were concerning, adding: ‘Theoretica­lly, the more hours you spend bent over an iPad, the more neck and shoulder pain

‘Stiffness and soreness’

you experience, but what we found is that time is not the most important risk factor. Rather, it’s gender and specific postures.’

Workers glued to their phones have been reported to suffer ‘text neck’, with medics even warning of ‘texter’s thumb’ – a kind of repetitive strain injury – from long periods of tapping on screens.

The latest study found just over twothirds of tablet users suffered musculoske­letal problems. But only 29.9 per cent of males reported problems, compared with 70.1 per cent of females.

The researcher­s, writing in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science, surveyed 412 students on their symptoms, finding almost 85 per cent of problems were in the neck., and nearly two-thirds in the shoulder and upper back.

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