Daily Mail



The Solstice doesn’t just mark the turning point of the Sun’s journey across our skies. The effects are borne out in our lives, too. This weekend, our brightest star works with Uranus to create the change required to drive progress forward. Then, Mercury’s opposition with Pluto will help us to recognise the potential for transforma­tion. In times like these, it’s easy to feel as if life is out of control. But with focus and courage, there’s nothing on the horizon that doesn’t have a hidden advantage just waiting to be discovered.

ARIES EVEN when you feel Mar 21 — Apr 20 stuck in a situation, you can transform it. Although the method might not be obvious, there’s always a way to make progress. This process can be effectivel­y illustrate­d by something you learned at school. Do you remember how tangents start very close to each other yet, as they continue, they end up billions of miles apart? A tiny difference in direction becomes a huge gap. It’s the same with the choices you’re currently making. They’ll make a big difference to your life. Get more out of the coming week. In your latest, in-depth four-minute forecast, there is encouragin­g news. Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS DON’T Worry, Be Apr 21 — May 21 Happy is one of my favourite cheer-me-up songs. Although it’s not a traditiona­l Solstice tune — it’s not one of those ancient folk tunes that’s been passed through druidic bloodlines — its message is very appropriat­e. It’s time to put any upsetting thoughts away. Give yourself the weekend off. In a few days time your life circumstan­ces will have altered. So will you. You’re on the brink of making a discovery that will change your approach to the way you live. Go on! You deserve some joy. Make the most of your opportunit­ies. In your latest, in-depth four-minute forecast, reveal inspiring news. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI THE media is May 22 — June 22 keen to give us examples of how we can improve our lives. Before-and-after scenarios, demonstrat­ing how people alter following a makeover of some kind or other, attract us because we love the concept of transforma­tion. It seems such a rare thing in our own lives. Yet this isn’t because we don’t change; it’s because we don’t notice. Change is usually incrementa­l. This weekend’s link from the Sun to Uranus brings a chance to metamorpho­se. Solve problems. Ease troubles. Find solutions! In your latest, forecast, you’ll discover something very helpful. Call 0906 751 5603. CANCER IF WE June 23 — July 23 don’t really understand ourselves, how can we expect to know what makes anyone else tick? If you’re not sure about the factors motivating your own interests, how can you be confident about those of people with whom you’re involved? This weekend brings a critical chance for communicat­ing your true desires. You’re

becoming so much more aware of your feelings and instincts that you’re being forced to find a way of verbalisin­g them. An exchange of informatio­n will be extremely constructi­ve. Auspicious alignments insist good times must come soon. Learn more in your latest in-depth forecast. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO THE life symphony July 24 — Aug 23 that accompanie­s your thoughts and actions this weekend was completed a while ago. The contents aren’t negotiable. Yet you have the important role of conductor. You control how it is played out. You can change the tempo and level of sensitivit­y. You have the skills and ability to communicat­e with the other participan­ts and encourage a joyful, enthusiast­ic performanc­e. Your optimism can ensure everyone plays to their full potential. It should be fun. Knowledge is power. Find out how to take full advantage of your astrologic­al assets in your latest forecast. Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO YOU might have all Aug 24 — Sep 23 the psychologi­cal weapons you need, but if you’re unsure of where to aim your attack, you stand no chance of winning a battle. On the other hand, if you know exactly where your target is, and you stay cool and composed, just one well-aimed shot will do the trick. There’s a strong likelihood of success this weekend. With skilful timing and concentrat­ion, you can convincing­ly win a campaign you’ve been fighting for. An injustice can be satisfacto­rily overturned. What’s in the sky for you? Helpful planetary alignments! There is good news in your latest, in-depth forecast. Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA JUST as bread takes Sep 24 — Oct 23 time to prove, and acorns take years to turn into oaks, so we must allow time for matters of the heart to adapt and change. It will take a while for a recent positive developmen­t to manifest tangible results. But if you find the confidence to trust in the process, like a baker waiting for bread to rise, or a gardener watering their seedlings, you’ll find that the time spent waiting can be relaxing, even enjoyable. The speed of transforma­tion will increase soon enough. Curious to know more? There is heartwarmi­ng news in your latest, in-depth, four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO BEING on Oct 24 — Nov 22 the back of a tandem is a strange feeling. When I had the chance to ride one recently, I found it most odd. I could pedal and produce more energy so that we could whizz along, but even though I had a set of handlebars, I couldn’t affect the steering. I had to let my friend on the front seat control where we went. Luckily we agreed to change positions halfway through the ride. A similar compromise might be necessary for you this weekend. If you want to progress, you need to establish trust. Don’t fear the future. Understand it, embrace it, even change it if you wish. Learn how in your latest forecast. Call 0906 751 5608. SAGITTARIU­S THE Nov 23 — Dec 21 weekend brings a chance to ring in some changes. Rules need rewriting and arrangemen­ts can be reinvigora­ted. Although you’re feeling comfortabl­e about the way your life is proceeding, you’ve adapted to a situation

so well that you’ve been able to ignore a dull and consistent sensation that brings discomfort. Just because it’s easy to carry on in the same old routine doesn’t mean that you should. It’s time to set sail in a new direction towards an island of opportunit­y. You’ve got so much to look forward to. Find the inspiratio­n you need in your latest four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN NOW the Dec 22 — Jan 20 Sun is passing through your opposite sign, it brings a chance for a positive change in one of your key relationsh­ips. If there’s someone with whom you’ve sensed a degree of misunderst­anding, even antagonism, celestial events are encouragin­g both parties to lay their cards on the table and talk. Although there might not be a tangible change this weekend, the lines of communicat­ion are opening and bode well for future honest exchanges that will benefit everyone. Success is a matter of attitude. And timing. Get help with both in your four-minute forecast. Change everything. Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS I DON’T know Jan 21 — Feb 19 about you but I start dreaming about my holiday months before I book it. Sometimes it feels nice to dream about something happening, even if it’s an idea that will never be put into action. Perhaps we do this when the change we crave is internal. You seek deeper understand­ing of who you are and what will satisfy you. Your current restlessne­ss is familiar. This weekend, negotiatin­g your way out of a tired and worn-out position will be easier than you imagine. Live your life to the full. There is helpful advice and pleasing news in your latest four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES YOU are coming Feb 20 — Mar 20 to terms with a tricky situation. Fortunatel­y, you have all the assistance (both spiritual and material) that you are likely to need. What’s more, this help is in abundance. If you move ahead confidentl­y, you’ll make easy work of what appears to be a threatenin­g scenario. If, at first, it seems as if nothing much has altered this weekend, don’t be disappoint­ed. The change has begun. Just a shift in your attitude will help you discover the potential that’s been hidden from your sight. Nothing is hopeless. If you want good news, call now for your latest, in-depth four-minute forecast: 0906 751 5612.

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