Daily Mail

Want to transform a pupil’s life? Just ban their phone

( I did it in my school — and they even thanked me for it )


LOOk around the school where I work, and at lunchtimes these days you will see groups of pupils huddled together in intense concentrat­ion.

You might imagine they’re poring over the tiny screens of their mobile phones, giggling at some YouTube video or app. But no, they are actually battling over a game of Cluedo or Monopoly, seeking the bragging rights of having outwitted their classmates.

In our sometimes bewilderin­g age of technologi­cal sophistica­tion, such traditiona­l games might seem but a quaint throwback for a generation who’ve grown up with computers, tablets and mobile phones.

Yet one of my more gratifying experience­s has been to witness their miraculous revival among the pupils of Brighton College, a mixed independen­t school where I am the Head Master.

To the surprise of many of them, they’ve become completely absorbed in the intrigue and strategy of games such as Cluedo, Monopoly and Risk, which are teaching them to celebrate their triumphs and accept their setbacks.

So why are they playing them at all? Because, back in September, I decided to bring in severe restrictio­ns on the use of mobile phones at school. And the results have been little short of revelatory.

With screen and apps no longer so dominant on the premises, the attention of the pupils has turned elsewhere — and some of it has focused on those board games.

Of course, we knew there would be a void to fill in the absence of mobiles, so we invested in a formidable stock of age-old games such as Scrabble, which not only engage the brain far more aggressive­ly than addictive computer video games such as Candy Crush, but, just as importantl­y, promote social interactio­n.


What the experiment has taught me and the pupils is just how much of a hold smartphone­s have over society — and just how liberating it can be to switch them off.

What’s remarkable is how the benefits of the mobile phone ban can be seen in so many ways within the school.

There is more interest in sport and drama, less in social media and selfies. It is infinitely preferable to see a 12-year-old with a cricket bat in his hand than a mobile phone.

Pupils are also finding they enjoy actual conversati­ons in the real world, instead of being hooked on superficia­l exchanges in the virtual one.

Take away the phones and you take away the negative reason for pupils not to talk to each other. Just as pleasingly, we have seen an increase in reading. The school librarian has told me that the number of books being taken out by pupils has risen sharply since the ban was introduced.

I don’t want to sound authoritar­ian or anti-technology. The mobile phone is one of the great innovation­s in mankind’s physical progress, transformi­ng communicat­ions, commerce and entertainm­ent.

But, like all inventions, its use has to be handled responsibl­y. And in schools, there can be a significan­t downside to unrestrict­ed access to mobiles.

Having one to hand makes it harder to concentrat­e, and harder to sleep well, too. Mental health can be undermined by the relentless pressure of social media, reflected in the neurotic obsession with not missing any tweet or text, no matter how trivial.

One American study found that 50 per cent of children say they are addicted to their phones, while 80 per cent admit they check their devices at least every hour.

Then there’s the darker side: the mobile phone can be an instrument for both bullying and classroom disruption.

Although poor behaviour is not a problem at Brighton, I have been told by teachers elsewhere about the difficulti­es of maintainin­g order in classrooms where phones are allowed, especially when pupils actually film lessons or take photos of the teacher.


The tolerance of such conduct is a recipe for a disastrous breakdown in respect for staff.

Gratifying­ly, several leading figures in politics and education are now aware of the harm that can be caused to youngsters by mobile phones.

Last week, Matt Hancock, the Culture Secretary, urged schools to ban them on the grounds that they fuel bullying and distract from learning.

‘I believe young children don’t need access to social media. They are children, after all. They need to be able to develop their social skills in the real world first,’ Hancock rightly said in a speech to the NSPCC.

His call was echoed by Amanda Spielman, the Head of Ofsted, who argued that ‘technology has made the challenge of low-level disruption even worse’, and she supported a mobile ban in schools.

If Brighton’s experience is anything to go by, such an approach will be a success.

There is nothing cruel or unjust about such toughness. On the contrary, it is more compassion­ate because it gives pupils the space to learn and grow.

Under our policy, day pupils in years seven, eight and nine — that is approximat­ely from ages 11 to 14 — are required to hand in their mobiles to teachers at the beginning of the day. They then collect their phones when they go home, between 4pm or 5pm.

Boarders, who make up about 40 per cent of the school roll, are required to follow the same restrictio­ns in these years. In addition, they must hand back their phones at bedtime.

Older pupils have fewer restrictio­ns, but those in Year 10 still have to subscribe to three days of ‘detox’ without phones, while those in the year above have one ‘detox’ day.

When I first brought in the policy, I was told it would not work. I was warned the pupils would ‘kick off’ because they are so hooked on their mobiles.

But nothing of the sort happened. In fact, our pupils welcomed the change because it relieved them of the burden of being online the whole time.

They found they had more freedom, more time for contemplat­ion. ‘We don’t miss our phones at all,’ a group of Year 9 pupils told me.

The process of learning has been enhanced, which is what other research has discovered. A 2015 study by the London School of Economics found banning phones raised pupils’ test scores by 6.4 per cent.

And it’s not just better for their work. Boarders have also experience­d better sleep without the online frenzy before they go to bed, a vital factor when young people’s brains are still developing.

Crucially, it’s also easier for teachers to spot bullying of pupils, or pupils who are feeling isolated: so much online intimidati­on and taunting — so bad for teenagers’ mental health — is hidden by cyberspace.


All in all, the experiment has been so successful that next year the school is to extend the five-day mobile ban to Year 10 pupils.

I believe that one compelling reason why the pupils may have accepted the ban so readily is because today’s pupils are generally conservati­ve with a small ‘c’ — fully focused on making a success of their time at school and happy to be relieved of any obstructio­ns to achieving that success.

Every generation rebels against its predecesso­r, and this one’s rebellion is to be more serious, dedicated and responsibl­e. That is why they work harder, drink far less, take fewer drugs, have greater social awareness and are more orientated towards their careers.

That’s why they have accepted the phone ban with good grace, and I only hope other schools across the country have the same idea.

The fact is, the pupils will realise how good it is for them only once their smartphone­s have been put away.

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