Daily Mail



- by Sophie Kinsella

(Bantam £18.99) ThIS is a perfect beach treat. Sylvie and Dan have been together for ten years. They love their small daughters, their home, their jobs and each other — they seamlessly finish each other’s sentences and always claim to know what the other is thinking.

They freak out, however, when their doctor jokes that they are so healthy, they could be together for another 68 years. happy as they are today, this news sends them into a spin of projection and fear.

They decide the solution to staying together is with a series of surprises.

however, when a truly off-piste shock arrives in the form of a secret scandal from the past, Sylvie wonders whether she ever knew Dan at all.

It’s classic Kinsella — an eminently readable narrative populated with protagonis­ts for whom you’ll root from the start.

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