Daily Mail

. . . and how to cook it


Make olive oil pastry

Cook pasta in large pan for two minutes less than packet instructio­ns, then drain well Fry sliced garlic and chilies with olive oil for two minutes Scrunch the meat with one egg and the breadcrumb­s Roll into 2cm balls and add to pan. Cook for five minutes Tear in 20 basil leaves Pour in wine

Scrunch in tomatoes, then pour in 1 tin’s worth of water. Simmer for five minutes

Grate half parmesan over pasta, add four eggs and 2 tbsp oil, toss well and divide between two bowls

Mix ricotta into first bowl

Removing the meatballs to one side, toss the tomato sauce into the second bowl Place half the tomato pasta in a deep 30cm baking dish

Pick over a few basil leaves, finely grate over a little parmesan, and lay over half the prosciutto Put half the ricotta pasta on top, then the meatballs

Repeat the ricotta pasta layer, add the rest of the basil, parmesan and prosciutto and finish with remaining pasta

Roll out the pastry to 3mm thick, cut into strips and arrange over the pasta Bake at 180C for 40 minutes

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