Daily Mail



You are West on lead against the above bidding. What would you lead and why? ThE one thing you must not lead is your partner’s suit. he has tried to pre- empt the opposition out of reaching their optimum contract. Despite this, they have gone on to a slam and East has made a Lightner Lead Directing double. This warns you off leading his suit and says that he still has hopes of defeating 6 if you pick the right thing to do.

Your hand makes the choice easy — you will lead dummy’s side suit, hearts. It’s odds on that East has a heart void and his hopes are centred on getting in a first-round heart ruff plus making a trick with the A to defeat the contract.

Accept partner’s request. Another thing you can see from your own hand is that with partner able to jump to 3 , there is no hope of making two defensive spade tricks.

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