Daily Mail



SOUTH opened 2 ♦ (strong), North responded 2NT and South rebid 3 ♣ , which North raised to 5 ♣ . West leads ♠ 10 and ♠ 3 is played from dummy. How should East play?

SOUTH’S bidding has shown a strong minor two-suiter. It should be clear to East that South has a singleton spade and, for some reason, would prefer West to remain on lead.

The only possible reason must be that he is worried about his heart suit. So your correct play here is to overtake partner’s lead and play back a heart. Your efforts are rewarded when South turns up with ♥ K- J.

When defending, your first thought must always be whether you can beat the contract. Before you play a card, try to work out what declarer needs to have for you to defeat him — and then play for it.

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