Daily Mail

Profits before safety


I HAVE crossed the Morandi viaduct in genoa dozens of times over the past 20 years and have always felt nervous. The middle section of this motorway bridge collapsed this week, sending dozens plummeting to their deaths.

As the author of a book on Italy’s motorways and constructi­on industry, I believe there are several reasons for its collapse. It was never designed to cope with the huge volume of heavy traffic that thundered across it 24 hours a day.

The privatisat­ion of Italy’s motorways means profits count more than safety. Corruption, delays and poor quality materials are endemic in the country’s constructi­on industry.

The former infrastruc­ture minister graziano Del rio once said: ‘Italy is the only country where motorists have to pray each time they cross a viaduct or bridge.’

Privatisat­ion must end and the management of motorways must return to the state.


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