Daily Mail



WouLD you want to be in a Grand Slam in spades on these two hands and, if so, how would you reach it? What is your best line of play to make 13 tricks after the favourable lead of ♥ 9? (When you test trumps, North shows out.)

WEST should open 1 ♠ and East’s sensible response is 4 ♠ — the hand isn’t strong enough for a delayed game raise.

There’s little point in using Splinters, which would be more likely to assist opponents, rather than partner. After hearing 4 ♠ , West should immediatel­y have thoughts of a slam.

There is no sensible purpose in cuebidding next, nor does it help to use Blackwood. Either you settle for the very sound small slam or, if you feel adventurou­s, go for the Grand if partner holds ♠ KQ.

You find this out by using the Grand Slam Force (GSF) of 5NT.

So my favoured auction would be simple and direct — 1 ♠♠ -4 ; 5NT-7 ♠ . There are two feasible lines of play and one is significan­tly sounder than the other.

With that clue, you ought to be able to spot the winner.

Note: I’m aware that this will not meet with the approval of ‘modern style theorists’! (Continued tomorrow.)

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