Daily Mail



YEStErdAY, we discussed the choice of opening bid for the above South hand. Looking at both hands, we quickly see that a Grand Slam in clubs is a safe bet, but how do you reach it?

onLY two out of 14 pairs reached 6 ♣ in a duplicate, and they were the only ones who opened south with a strong Two bid.

The benefit of this is that north makes a positive response and the club fit is found quickly.

Where the opening was only 1 ♥ , north responded 1nT and though the club fit is found on the next round, pairs were somehow unable to judge their combined values accurately.

The optimum contract can be reached by means of well-judged cue-bidding, i.e. 2 ♥ -3 ♣ ; 4 ♣♠ -4 ;5 ♦♥ -5 ; 5nT-7 ♣ .

The auction after 1 ♥ should follow the same cue-bidding sequence, though north may chicken out unless south shows his strength with a jump raise in clubs.

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