Daily Mail

Straight to the POINT


MICHEL BARNIER, who has made intransige­nce a virtue, has taken a step backwards. Theresa May might not possess a lot of natural rhythm, but let’s hope she can manage a step forward.

JOHN COLLINS, Chelmsford, Essex.

SCRAP HS2 and spend the money on electrifyi­ng train lines across the country.

DAVID EDE, Lee-on-the-Solent, Hants.

WOMEN may be better drivers than men (Mail), but too few are polite enough to acknowledg­e another driver giving way.

DUNCAN CROCKER, Hampton, Middlesex.

AFTER a holiday in the Canary Islands, where poorly maintained tracks have been transforme­d into smooth new roads thanks to EU grants, we’ve come home to potholes that British councils can’t afford to fix.

A. CHRISTY, Wrexham.

HOLIDAY romances can last (Mail). We met on a Tuesday in St Ives, got engaged on the Thursday and wed a year later. We’ve been married for 55 years and have four children, nine grandchild­ren and three great-grandchild­ren.

SALLY DUFF, Hockley, Essex.

WHERE did the scientists find enough couples without TVs to work out they have 6 per cent more sex than binge-watchers?

ROGER VINCE, Upper Brynamman, Carmarthen­shire.

WE’RE told that laboratory-grown meat will free up land. Does this mean cows will be replaced by buildings?

W. BULLOCK, Ferndown, Dorset. For permission to copy cuttings for internal management and informatio­n purposes, please contact the Newspaper Licensing Agency (NLA), PO Box 101, Tunbridge Wells TN1 1WX. Tel: 01892 525273. e-mail: copy@nla.co.uk

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