Daily Mail

We’re irritated, too


SO THE Prime Minister is ‘irritated’ by talk of a leadership challenge Write to: Daily Mail Letters, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT email: letters@dailymail.co.uk (Mail) and considers Boris Johnson’s language about the Chequers deal to be ‘inappropri­ate’.

Both words can equally describe the feelings of the 17.4 million people who voted for Brexit and are alarmed at seeing Theresa May going cap in hand to the EU.

With its greater reliance on our trade and out of respect for our democratic vote, the EU should be trying to ensure continuity in both our interests. Unfortunat­ely, it has no interest in any kind of arrangemen­t that doesn’t further its own failing ambitions.

GRAYDEN PURCHES, Bristol. MICHAEL GOVE says Chequers is ‘not set in stone’ and a future prime minister could alter the deal (Mail).

That is its problem. Any deal to get us out of the EU should be set in stone to prevent a future prime minister flicking a switch and sending us back into a political mess.

N. WOODS, Chilton, Co. Durham.

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