Daily Mail


How to get the enviable physiques of the stars


this week: scarlett Johansson’s back THE actress showed off a finely toned back in this strapless gown she wore to the Emmys. Scarlett, 33, works hard to maintain her figure, doing 90-minute circuit sessions and working out with dumbbells and resistance bands with celebrity trainer, Bobby Strom, several times a week. WHAT TO TRY: The Renegade Row exercise will tone your back and shoulders. You can start without weights, but progress to using two dumbbells. Hold a weight in each hand and assume a pushup start position, hands on the weights, back straight so your body forms a straight line. Lift the right weight up towards your right shoulder while balancing on your left hand and both feet. Hold for one second at the top and return the weight slowly to the start position. Repeat on the other side. Perform 12 repetition­s, six on each side.

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