Daily Mail

Rap star turns the air blue in White House

- By Samantha Lock

HE is known for having plenty to say, but even Donald Trump was left speechless yesterday as Kanye West swore in the Oval Office.

The rapper met the US President to discuss subjects including criminal justice reform, jobs and gang violence in his home city of Chicago.

The pair were joined by other celebritie­s for the discussion­s.

West wore a red Make America Great Again cap as he spoke to Mr Trump in front of reporters, telling them the commander-in-chief gave him a ‘Superman cape’ to help him ‘do good’.

The 41-year-old praised the President in a ten-minute speech that seemed more akin to a stream of consciousn­ess.

In an animated exchange, West even used the world ‘motherf*****’ to describe himself, raising eyebrows among those in the room.

He said: ‘Trump is on his hero’s journey right now. He might not have thought he’d have a crazy motherf***** like [me].’

West then used his phone to show the room a new idea for a presidenti­al vehicle. West also told him: ‘I love you,’ before giving him a hug. After West finished speaking, Mr Trump, who was at one point pictured roaring with laughter, said: ‘That was quite something.’

West’s celebrity wife, Kim Kardashian, met the leader earlier this year and persuaded him to grant clemency to Alice Johnson, who was serving a life sentence for a non-violent drug charge in Tennessee. West has fallen out with other celebritie­s over his support of Mr Trump but has rejected criticism of their friendship.

 ??  ?? Big pals: Donald Trump and Kanye West embrace. Inset, the rapper shows the President his phone
Big pals: Donald Trump and Kanye West embrace. Inset, the rapper shows the President his phone

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