Daily Mail

Straight to the POINT


÷ IF WE were to give Pakistani Christian Asia Bibi asylum, would she be safe out and about on the streets of our country? I doubt it.

RUSS BALL, Leicester.

÷ NEW definition of negotiate: To ask the other party what they want, give it to them, pay them for the privilege, then claim to have got a good deal. Synonym: Capitulate meekly.

PHIL NORTH, Brigg, Lincs.

÷ ONLY four Brexit Secretarie­s to go before Christmas.

J. HAGUE, Wakefield, W. Yorks.

÷ KEEPING a close trading associatio­n with Europe? Perhaps we could call it the European Common Market.

JOHN STEVENS, Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex.

÷ A TAX on processed meat might be rash, but a tax on bacon would be rasher.


÷ MORRIS dancing by the England Rugby team in response to the Kiwi haka (Letters)? How about the hokey-cokey instead?

DAVID BUNN, Lee-on-the-Solent, Hants.

÷ THE UN envoy confirms we need to cut down on overseas aid and sort ourselves out. Bravo!

KEN KERR, Birkenhead, Merseyside.

÷ WITH worrying levels of childhood obesity, what brainbox came up with Fisher-Price’s Christmas toy — a burger and hot dog van?

RICHARD BROOKES, Melbury Abbas, Dorset.

÷ AM I the only one left who is not in the Tweeter-sphere or on Fleecebook, Instagrump, Snap-Chump and What’s-Numpty?

KIM WILKENING, Margate, Kent. FOR permission to copy cuttings for internal management and informatio­n purposes, please contact the Newspaper Licensing Agency (NLA), PO Box 101, Tunbridge Wells TN1 1WX. Tel: 01892 525273. e-mail: copy@nla.co.uk

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