Daily Mail

Get ready for CHRISTMAS

Enjoy the festive season to the full by planning for it NOW!


‘‘HE’S making a list, he’s checking it twice, he’s gonna find out if you’re naughty or nice…!‘‘

Yes, in a few weeks Santa Claus is coming to town – and we all know preparing for his annual visit can be hard work.

But with a little bit of preparatio­n now, there is a way to take the hassle out of Christmas, even if you don’t have a workshop full of little elves to help you.

Planning is key. Start now and not only will you be able to really enjoy the party season, you’ll save money, too, as you won’t be panic buying.

First, finalise your plans for Christmas Day itself – are you hosting? How many people are coming? For how many days? If you’re a guest, should you bring anything?

Next, make a list of everyone who needs a present or a card – don’t forget people like

teachers, colleagues, neighbours and cleaners. Then hit the shops – buying gifts now when the stores aren’t heaving and they still contain plenty of beautiful items is a positive joy. If you choose to buy online, also do it now, so you don’t worry about things selling out or not turning up in time. And see if there are still some Black Friday deals around. It’s a good idea to get a couple of spare presents – lovely cooking oils, wine or candles suit most people – in case someone surprises you with a gift. A special calendar is essential for organisati­on, too. Include all the family’s events, like school plays and office parties, as well as other important dates, such as when to order the turkey or that vital pre-Christmas supermarke­t delivery slot and ‘last posting’ days for the Royal Mail. Think now about food – write a list of everything you need, then put them into sections of

things you can buy now, items to get a week or two before the big day and those to get as close to the 25th as possible. Right now you can stock up on alcohol, chocolates, nuts, dried fruit, biscuits for cheese, stuffing, gravy granules, bread sauce and brandy butter, to name just a few – and don’t forget the Christmas pudding.

A week or two before, items like mince pies and yule logs can be added to your weekly shop, before picking up meats and vegetables just a few days before. And a lot can be cooked now and then frozen, including home-made gravy, stuffing and Yorkshire pudding. Just don’t forget to thaw.

Wrap gifts as soon as you buy them: it will stop prying eyes finding them before the big day – and save you wrapping 30 in one go in the early hours of the 25th.

Do all of this and you have permission to spend the whole of December feeling smug…and actually looking forward to Christmas.

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