Daily Mail

Nurse panned for a rookie mistake


MY FRIEND was a student nurse when hospitals had ward sisters who ruled with a rod of iron. On her first day, she was joined by two other students from another hospital. As the sister marched them round the ward, it was pointed out that one female patient was strictly confined to bed. The following morning was busy as usual and, after the three girls were briefed for the day, they helped out with breakfast and medication­s. At 11am, the sister arrived. The three recruits fell in behind her to tour the ward. A quiet whimpering came from a bed with the curtains drawn and a hand waving over the top of the curtain frame. With a gasp of horror the sister hurried through the curtains and there was the elderly patient sitting on the commode — which had been placed on top of the bed! When she was safely returned to her bed, the three students were marched to the sister’s office, where one explained she was only following orders. The patient had refused to use a bed pan and as she was not allowed to get out of bed, the student felt there was no alternativ­e other than to put the commode on the bed and sit the patient on top of it! With a stern caution, the students were dismissed for the day, but my friend swears that she heard a lot of giggling from the sister’s office when they reached the end of the corridor. I’m glad to say that the three later passed with their exams with flying colours.

Margaret Fulton, Comber, Co. Down.

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