Daily Mail



USE these simple rules to help you stick to your lowcarb targets. If you’re lean and healthy, you can afford a little more leeway, such as adding extra fruit or starchy vegetables or the occasional slice of sourdough bread.

1REDUCE or eliminate your intake of sugar and highcarb foods. These include breakfast cereals, bread, pasta, white potatoes, rice, couscous, crackers, oats, oat cakes, rice cakes, cakes, biscuits, sweets, milk chocolate, fruit juice, fizzy drinks and cordials.

2AT EVERY meal, load up with non-starchy and salad vegetables such as kale,

lettuce, broccoli, mushrooms or peppers to help you feel full without raising your blood sugar levels. Adjust your consumptio­n of root vegetables according to where you are on the CarbScale.

3EAT good fats. Include oily fish, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado and animal fats; they’re good for your metabolism as well as for helping you feel full. Add nuts and cheese in moderation — although nutritious, they are highly calorific.

4PICK fruit that is naturally low in sugar, including berries, apples and pears.

Choose these over high-sugar tropical fruits such as bananas, mango and pineapple.

5EAT some form of protein in every meal. It’s essential for all your body’s repair mechanisms and helps you feel fuller for longer.

6STOP snacking. Fasting between meals and overnight really helps improve your body’s response to insulin. Aim for three good meals a day.

7DRInK two litres of water a day in order to keep your body well hydrated. Sometimes we mistake mild dehydratio­n for hunger pangs, so

drink a large glass of water and wait for 20 minutes before deciding whether you really are hungry.

NOTE: Always consult your GP before starting a new diet plan, particular­ly if you are taking any prescribed medication.

RECIPES by Katie caldesi. The Diabetes Weight-Loss cookbook by Katie and Giancarlo caldesi is published by Kyle Books, priced £20. To order a copy for £16 (offer valid to April 27, 2019; p&p free), visit mailshop.co.uk/books or call 0844 571 0640.

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