Daily Mail

Charmer? He’s got the hissy hissy snakes!


- Craig Brown www.dailymail.co.uk/craigbrown

I am an expert You are a so-called expert He is an elitist I am hurt You are touchy She is prickly I am a stickler for detail You are a micro-manager He is a bore I am a truth-teller You make yourself all too clear He lashes out I am at ease with myself You have a sense of entitlemen­t He is Jacob Rees-Mogg I offer constructi­ve criticism You are a backseat driver He puts a spanner in the works We are passionate You are single-minded They are zealots I make difficult choices You no-platform He censors I change my mind You perform a U-turn She bends with the wind I laugh You scoff He smirks I initiate an open discussion You start an argument She kicks off a row I get straight to the point You speak as you find He rides roughshod over others I am sensitive You are thin-skinned She can’t take criticism I am tactful You mince your words He is two-faced I was quoted out of context You were caught off-guard He was exposed as a bigot I tease You poke fun He bullies I welcome discussion You are a pushover He is a wuss We know what’s what You are know-alls They are the metropolit­an elite I am an idealist You are naive She is a snowflake Our children care too much Your children don’t live in the real world Their children are snowflakes I set the record straight You butt in He won’t let anyone get a word in edgeways I am humbled You are pleased with yourself He is Speaker Mr Bercow I am an orator You are a populist He is a rabble-rouser I am a visionary You dream dreams He is a nightmare

We stick to our guns You dig in your heels They are pig-headed I am a people person You are a charmer He is a snake I am adaptable You are a chameleon He is all things to all men I am a man of the people You are a vulgarian He is Donald Trump I am focused You are one-track minded He is aspergic

I have friends You have allies He surrounds himself with yes men I am not totally au fait You are misinforme­d He is Mark Francois I am a comedian You are a clown He is a buffoon I have a silver tongue You have the gift of the gab He’s in love with the sound of his own voice

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