Daily Mail

I pledge not to buy clothes for a year


CANDIDA CREWE’S article on how to avoid making unnecessar­y clothes purchases and just wear what you already have in the wardrobe (Femail) has inspired me to do likewise. Looking at the number of items I have in my cupboards, unworn and with the labels still attached, makes me feel quite ashamed. But knowing I am not the only person guilty of such a crime has made me set myself a similar target and resist impulse-buying for a year. Candida listed all the reasons why we do it and her advice on how to achieve success made sound sense. I intend to unsubscrib­e from the tempting emails I receive regularly from clothes shops. Another good tip, given to me by a friend, was not to shop online in the evenings after enjoying a glass of wine, which weakens your resistance to indulge in retail therapy. Having a discount card that entitles me to generous savings from a well-known department store will test my resolve even further, but I am determined to try. I hope that the three T-shirts I bought last Saturday will be the last items I purchase until May next year. It is the sales I succumb to. I never actually pay full price for anything, but is it really a bargain if I never wear it? I have checked my wardrobe and I discovered six pairs of unworn ankle boots, one pair of long boots and six pairs of sandals, all in their boxes, plus 12 tops, three jackets and six handbags all with the labels still on. I forced myself to add up the total cost and was astonished to discover it was about £1,000 — the same as Candida. I feel dreadful about this, but it has made me even more determined to stick to my resolution to stop buying new clothes.

Mrs VICKI BROWN, Totton, Hants. A ONE-YEAR clothes curfew would only be easy for a nudist! I thought the floral dress Candida wore to illustrate her article was ravishing. Oh, fickle me, keeping the clothes industry going.

AMANDA YATES, Newcastle. I HAVE just returned from a fruitless shopping trip. As a lady of a certain age, I am finding it mission impossible to buy summer clothes. Talking to my female friends, I realise I am not the only one. When will the big stores realise that there is a large customer base out there just waiting to be served. We have as much buying power as the younger generation, but when you look at some of the styles in the shops, it is obvious we are being ignored.


 ??  ?? Resisting the sales: Vicki Brown
Resisting the sales: Vicki Brown

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