Daily Mail

Gwyneth’s shaman ‘reaches inside atoms to stop ageing’

... and soon you’ll be able to see him in UK – for up to £100 a ticket!

- By Neil Sears

He boasts of his contacts with the spirit world and has claimed he can reach inside atoms to reduce ageing. Now a self- proclaimed shaman described by Gwyneth Paltrow as her ‘light in shining armour’ is bringing his spiritual gifts to england.

Shaman Durek – whose real name is Derek Verrett – is running a masterclas­s in how to ‘hack your energetic fields’ as well as private sessions that ‘may include spirits of the higher realm entering your body’.

The 44-year-old claims he was a toddler when he discovered his shamanic powers to access and influence good and evil spirits.

With the help of his partner, a Norwegian princess, he now runs internatio­nal shamanic consultati­ons described by Miss Paltrow’s website Goop as: ‘An extreme detox, vomiting [is] often involved.’

Next weekend he will be in London appearing at a ‘wellbeing’ festival in Olympia, billed as a ‘spirit hacker, women’s empowermen­t leader and a visionary for the New Age’. It claims he will teach ‘the fundamenta­ls to hack your energetic fields, hack your brain space technology, and increase your serotonin and endorphin levels and release dopamine in the brain’. Durek has faced controvers­y in Norway where this weekend he is starting a tour entitled The Princess and the Shaman with his girlfriend, Princess Martha Louise of Norway, a divorcee aged 47. Princess Martha Louise and her husband of 14 years, Ari Behn, divorced in 2016.

The couple are giving ‘spiritual’ lectures in Scandinavi­a together from tomorrow, selling tickets at £40 to £100. One church withdrew permission for the event after learning of the ticket price.

In Norway Durek has been criticised for his claims to be able to manipulate the very stuff of atoms. He told an American TV show last October: ‘In shamanism we actually have the ability to access the atoms. We can rotate the nucleus as well as the electrons inside the atoms and that literally depletes the age from us.’

Professor Alex Hansen, of the University of Science & Technology in Trondheim, said of the claim: ‘That is pure nonsense. Absolutely no grounds can be found for what he [Durek] is saying.’ In response to the controvers­y, Durek said: ‘I think that when we have criticism, it’s because people have fear… wisdom eliminates fear.’

He has been photograph­ed with Miss Paltrow and currently has two articles on her Goop website. One boasts that he ‘had to actually die’ and be brought back to life from a 30-day coma to become ‘a priest who uses magic for curing the sick’. Miss Paltrow herself has described him as a ‘beacon of and a channel of light’, and Durek said of the star: ‘ We are now like brother and sister.’

In an interview about his training for his shamanic role, Durek, who was born in California to a Norweigan-Indian mother and African-Haitian father, wrote: ‘I literally had to sacrifice my life, die, go to the other side, meet with the elders, talk to friends, and get all the informatio­n that I needed as to why we are on this rock.’ In interviews he has told how he rises at 6am, does shamanic exercises, then perhaps talks to his ancestors. He continues: ‘Then I do what’s called spirit hacking. I go and basically change and regulate my body; I’ll burn fat in my body, I’ll increase my energy levels, I’ll change my brain chemistry, increase energy in my synapses.’ According to Durek’s website, clients pay what they can afford, with the booking system offering payments up to $2,000 (£1,500). Patients who are terminally ill may qualify for pro bono sessions.

Private workshops are offered on an array of subjects from ‘How to connect with your spirit guides’ to ‘How to break a hex or curse’.

In a section advising new clients, the website states: ‘If you are … paralysed or in a coma you will need more than a one hour session and you will need to book two hours. We do not guarantee any healing for illness. Healing from illness depends on the willingnes­s from the patient.’ According to promotiona­l material for his London workshop at Olympia on Saturday, May 25: ‘Words have codes that unlock energies in both your consciousn­ess and universal field of technology. Become a wordsmith and learn the meanings of “windows, doors, and ladders” for quantum expansion.’ Neither Durek nor Miss Paltrow’s Goop website responded to a request for comment.

‘I sacrificed my life and went to the other side’

 ??  ?? He’s my beacon of light: Gwyneth Paltrow with Durek
He’s my beacon of light: Gwyneth Paltrow with Durek
 ??  ?? Sharing the ‘knowledge’: At one of his workshops
Sharing the ‘knowledge’: At one of his workshops
 ??  ?? Lectures: He is being joined by Princess Martha Louise WITH HIS NORWEGIAN PRINCESS LOVER
Lectures: He is being joined by Princess Martha Louise WITH HIS NORWEGIAN PRINCESS LOVER

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