Daily Mail


From Money Mail’s master of making your cash work harder...


THE time has come to put a spring in your finances. I’m going to take you through some straightfo­rward steps to buff up your money so it works harder for you.

Let’s not pretend you can do this with no effort. You’ll need to invest time — and that’s possibly your most valuable asset. But if you give up one day to make a start, then you could reap the rewards all year.


STArT by making lists: there’s the pleasure of creating a clear picture of what you wish to achieve, then the joy of crossing off each item.

Note down every area of your finances you want to go over, such as your bank account, credit cards, mortgage, phones, energy, other bills and everyday spending. There are also the positives such as salary, savings, investment­s and pension.

You’ll need to gather the paperwork for these and ensure you have your online passwords to hand. Also, start a calendar or set up electronic reminders on your phone. You’re not going to be able to do everything in one go, so you need to set up a system that will nudge you when changes can be made.


IF YOUr finances are out of control, you’re spending too much and something will have to give.

It may be that gym membership you never use. It may mean walking more instead using Uber. Or it could mean being less generous and standing fewer rounds at the pub. Go through your credit card and bank statements, but also consider where you’ve been spending odd bits of cash.

Controllin­g your spending doesn’t mean staying in and being miserable. Instead, become a savvy spender. Use apps such as Giftcloud and Voucherclo­ud to find restaurant­s and shops offering money off. Sign up to restaurant and shop mailing lists if they offer discounts.


THE idea of starting regular saving may give you a warm glow, but there is little point if you owe money.

Your debts are likely to be costing you far more in interest then you will ever earn on a savings account, where the top interest rates are about 1.5 pc. So your strategy should be to look at how much interest you are paying on each debt and tackle the most expensive first. The one exception to the debts-first strategy is an employer- sponsored pension scheme. The free money from your employer and the tax relief you’ll receive make a pension the wise investor’s no-brainer.


CrEdIT cards are an expensive way to borrow with interest rates of about 20 pc, but because the interest is charged monthly you can be fooled into thinking they are cheap.

Multiply the interest charge on your latest bill by 12. If you owe £3,000 on a credit card, you are likely to be paying £50 a month in interest or £600 a year.

Every pound you pay in interest to the bank is a pound you don’t have for things you enjoy. The simple solution is to transfer what you owe to a card offering an interest-free borrowing and pay back gradually.

But credit cards won’t accept everyone. So what then? The temptation may be to pay a little off each card every month, but that is playing into the banks’ hands, as it means you keep paying interest to each lender.

Instead, what you should do is concentrat­e on clearing the debt on one card while paying the minimum on others. Once you have a debt-free card, you can keep it for new spending and clear that in full every month to avoid paying interest while reducing the balance on another card.

Another thing to remember is that credit card interest is added every day. So if you pay the bill as soon as you receive it or as soon as your salary goes into your account, you’ll reduce the amount of interest charged on the next bill.


MOST of us squander hundreds of pounds every year on technology, whether it be phone, broadband, TV or music subscripti­ons. These wily companies have lured us into paying monthly, knowing it looks so much cheaper than the annual cost.

That £66-a-month phone is really costing you £792; the £90 TV subscripti­on is really £1,080.

The golden rule with tech companies is to negotiate every time your contract is up for renewal.

I’ve got a monthly discount of £26.50 on my BT broadband and TV contract, so that’s worth £477 over the 18-month contract.

Comparison site Is My Bill Fair says that TalkTalk, BT and Sky are most likely to negotiate and leave their customer happy, while Virgin Media was least likely.


MANY of us fail to shop around because we get taken by surprise when regular bills crop up. I’ll plead guilty to doing this for years with my house insurance.

Every March we’d get a reminder; but every March I’d have my head buried in preparatio­n for the Budget, writing about the end of the tax year or some other such time-critical thing.

Mrs H is equally busy, so we would simply renew and decide to tackle it next year.

When this year’s bill came in at well over £700, I decided it was time for action, but was still daunted by the prospect of facing stacks of questions on comparison websites. So I cheated and went directly to a firm that doesn’t appear on these websites.

I opted for the top-of-the-range policy to avoid hassles and the quote came in at just over £300.

So the Hazell family holiday fund has been topped up with an unexpected £400.

But the key thing is if you know when to expect a bill, you can make time to shop around for a better option.

The same strategy should apply to car insurance, travel insurance and energy bills.

For gas and electricit­y, go online if you can at a comparison site such as Energyhelp­line,

Whichswitc­h or uSwitch or ask a relative to help. IT’S very easy to pay twice for the same insurance or service.

Many paid-for bank accounts includes mobile phone insurance. If you have this and you’re happy with the level of cover, then cancel any free- standing policy. Never buy insurance from a phone shop, as this will usually be far more expensive than freestandi­ng policies.

The same goes for travel insurance and car breakdown cover. If your bank account includes car breakdown, then you can kiss the AA or RAC goodbye if you’re happy with what is provided.


MOST of us are pretty good at remortgagi­ng. With fixed rates hovering a little over 1.5 pc against standard rates of more than 4 pc, the incentive to swap is strong.

But you can’t remortgage at the drop of a hat; you have to wait until your current deal ends or you will face massive penalty charges.

What you can usually do with most mortgages is pay extra each month. As the amount you owe is reduced, you will be charged less interest, which means you repay more quickly. It’s a virtuous circle.

Let’s say you have a 25-year, £ 150,000 mortgage at 2.5 pc. You’d be paying £673 a month. By paying an extra £100 a month you could knock more than four years off the term and crucially save £9,491 in interest.

Having said this, your mortgage is probably the cheapest borrowing you have, so you should only consider doing this if you’re not paying interest on anything else such as credit cards or a car loan.


WHEN it comes to investing, time can be as important as the amount of money you put in.

If you save £100 a month from age 25 and it grows by 6 pc a year, you’d have £190,767 put aside by the time you were 65.

But wait until you are 40 to start saving and you would have £67,629.

Over those missing 15 years, you’d have put just £18,000 less into your savings pot but you’d end up with £123,138 less. These amounts are so different because each year you are getting the 6 pc return on a larger and larger sum.

Let’s look at it another way. If you invested just £100 and it grew by 6 pc a year then after 40 years it would be worth £1,028.

To achieve that in 20 years you’d have to put in a £320 lump sum. So whether it’s an Isa or a pension, early starters will always have the edge.


THERE are many ways to save, but I strongly believe pensions are the most important investment you can make outside of your family home.

I say this as someone who recently turned 60 and is looking forward to reaping the benefit of more than 30 years of monthly saving. If you’re employed, you should have been automatica­lly enrolled into your employer’s pension scheme. If you’ve opted out, then opt back in at your first opportunit­y. A company pension is basically a way to double your money.

When you put in £ 5, your employer must add £3, making £8 in total. But you’ll also get tax relief, which brings the real cost of your contributi­on down to £4.

So for £4 you are getting £8 in your pension. And some employers are more generous.

If you’re earning £30,000 a year — close to the national average full-time salary — then autoenrolm­ent will mean you could save about £159 a month into your pension, including employer contributi­ons. If you start at 25, then by the time you are 67 you might build a fund of £344,848 if your money grew by 6 pc a year.

During that time more than £80,000 would have gone into your pension, but half of this will come from your tax relief and employer. In other words, for £40,000 of your money (that’s less than £1,000 a year) you could get £344,848 to spend in your retirement. Of course, investment growth will make a difference, but if we opt for a more modest 4.5pc a year then the fund would still reach £231,551. BEWARE THE DOUBLE PAY TRAP


MODERN banks and smartphone apps can help you get a clear picture of where your money is going.

My niece is mad for Monzo, the challenger bank. She says it is set up to give a much clearer picture of how your money is flowing through your account.

Alternativ­es include Starling Bank, but these app- based options are not for everyone. Others include Mint, Loot and Money Dashboard. Bear in mind, though, that you’ll probably end up sharing a stack of your personal data with them.


SOMETIMES you may need to call on expert help.

If your money is completely out of control and you don’t know how to handle the debts, then seek assistance from Citizens Advice (call 0344 111 444).

Other organisati­ons to try are StepChange Debt Charity on (0800 138 1111) and National Debtline on (0808 808 4000).

Gambling is an increasing problem with online firms preying on those who struggle with their money. Gamblers Anonymous at gamblers

anonymous.org.uk can help.

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