Daily Mail

160 MPs back a ‘Parliament in exile’

- By Policy Editor

DOzENS of MPs have signed a declaratio­n to support stopping a No Deal Brexit and the suspension of Parliament ‘using whatever mechanism possible’.

At Church House in Westminste­r – the meeting place of the Houses of Parliament during the Second World War – 160 MPs signed what they are calling the Church House Declaratio­n.

The organiser of the move said she would back MPs meeting at an alternativ­e location – such as Church House – if Parliament was prorogued in order to push through a No Deal Brexit.

Senior opposition politician­s including Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell, Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson, SNP Westminste­r leader Ian Blackford, Green Party MP Caroline Lucas and Change UK leader Anna Soubry were at the ceremony.

The declaratio­n stated that shutting down Parliament would be ‘an undemocrat­ic outrage at such a crucial moment for our country, and a historic constituti­onal crisis’.

It added: ‘Any attempt to prevent Parliament sitting, to force through a No Deal Brexit, will be met by strong and widespread democratic resistance.’

Mr McDonnell said Boris Johnson was a ‘threat to democracy’ because he had not ruled out proroguing Parliament to push through a No Deal.

Independen­t MP Luciana Berger and Labour MP Stephen Doughty convened the meeting. Miss Berger said she would support a ‘people’s parliament’ voting in Church House if Parliament is prorogued.

‘I wouldn’t purport to be an expert on [parliament­ary rule book] Erskine May, but the fact that we come together in this place, where MPs have in the past come together, and it has been officially recognised, is indicative of the fact that it could take place again in the future,’ she said.

‘Our’s is a people’s parliament. We live in a parliament­ary democracy and I hope that parliament­ary democracy will be respected and will continue into the decades and centuries ahead.’

Mr Doughty said the declaratio­n has 160 signatures from MPs and he invited other politician­s of all parties to join them in signing the document.

Lib Dem Brexit spokesman Tom Brake tweeted: ‘Boris Johnson you have done this. You’ve united the parties in the People’s Parliament, against your plans to shut the people, and our historic Parliament, out of one of the most critical decisions our country will take; crashing out of the EU without a deal. You won’t succeed!’

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