Daily Mail

Feel healthier this cold and flu season

With winter on its way, here’s some helpful tips to support your health


With the cold and flu season upon us, we’re all aware how run down this can make you feel. That’s why we’re giving you some top tips from the NHS to help you feel healthier this winter1, plus we’re working with AXA PPP healthcare to provide you with their Personal Health plan.

1. Banish winter tiredness:

Many people feel tired and sluggish during the winter. This is usually due to lack of sunlight which disrupts our sleep cycles. Try getting outdoors in daylight as much as possible, getting a good night’s sleep and destress with exercise or meditation.

2. Eat more fruit and vegetables:

During the winter, you can be tempted to fill up on unhealthy comfort food. It is important to ensure you have a healthy diet and include five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. If you find yourself craving a sugary treat, try a juicy clementine or satsuma instead.

3. Drink more milk:

You are more likely to get a cold this season, so make sure your immune system is in tip-top condition. Milk and dairy products such as cheese, yoghurt and fromage frais are a great source of protein, vitamins A and B12 and calcium to keep your bones strong. If you’re concerned about calories choose semi-skimmed, 1% or skimmed milk – rather than full fat – and low-fat plain yoghurt.

4. Try new activites for the whole family:

Don’t make these chilly months an excuse to stay in and lounge around. Instead, get out with the whole family to try out a new activity, such as walking through the park or on the beach. Regular exercise helps control your weight, boost your immune system and is a good way to break tension that can build if the family is constantly cooped up inside the house.

5. Have a hearty breakfast:

Eating a warm bowl of porridge on a cold morning isn’t just a delicious way to start your day, it also boosts your intake of starchy foods and fibre. These foods give you energy and help you feel fuller for longer, curbing the temptation to snack. Oats also contain lots of vital vitamins and minerals, You could liven up your cereal by adding a sliced banana, berries or other fruit for extra flavour and to count towards your five a day.

Why choose us at AXA PPP healthcare?

At AXA PPP healthcare we give you peace of mind that your health is covered. Our Personal Health plan can cover you for the treatment of new medical conditions that arise after you join. So if you do catch a cold or flu this winter and it develops into something more worrying, you can be safe in the knowledge that if your GP needs to refer you, you’ll be able to get swift access to specialist­s when you select our OutPatient option and receive your treatment in a private facility of your choice from our Directory of Hospitals.

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