Daily Mail

A water jet shrank Paul’s prostate . . . and helped his love life bloom again

MANY men over 50 have urinary problems caused by an enlarged prostate, but now a high-speed water jet can treat them. Paul Griffiths, 67, a semi-retired estimating engineer from Keynsham, near Bristol, had it done, as he tells


SINCe my 50s, I’ve had to get up in the night to go to the loo — it could be four or five times if I’d been out for a drink. After about three years I sought help. It was getting annoying and disturbing my sleep. My GP said it was probably benign prostate overgrowth, which happens as men age: the prostate, a walnut- shaped gland surroundin­g the urethra (the tube which carries urine out of the body) grows and can block flow. He examined me and referred me to a specialist for tests.

A few weeks later an ultrasound scan showed my prostate was very large — they didn’t give me a measuremen­t but called it a ‘monster’. They said it was pressing on my urethra, so I couldn’t empty my bladder properly, which is why I had to keep going to the loo.

My consultant recommende­d transureth­ral resection of the prostate (TURP), where they cut away overgrown prostate tissue. But the risks included erectile dysfunctio­n. I couldn’t bear the thought. I didn’t want the physical side of my relationsh­ip with my wife Susan to end.

Instead, I was prescribed a drug, finasterid­e, to shrink the prostate. But it, too, had side- effects. It made me grow breasts and I couldn’t produce semen, so my sex life was affected anyway.

I had fewer erections, and my wife started wondering if I had another woman.

After three years of this, I stopped taking it and just lived with the frequent urination, getting up at night for the loo and going around 15 times a day. As a result, it was hard to sit through anything and I stopped going to the theatre or cinema.

I’d take ages at the urinal as my bladder would never fully empty. But I didn’t want to be seen as loitering, so I started using a cubicle in public loos instead.

I was referred back to the consultant. Again, they suggested TURP but I still couldn’t face it.

I did some reading and heard about a new treatment being trialled at Frimley Park Hospital in Surrey.

Called Aquabeam, it uses a high-powered water jet to remove excess tissue. It was less risky than TURP, so I could retain my sexual function.

I wrote to the consultant running the trial and pushed my GP for a referral. I had an appointmen­t with the surgeon, Neil Barber, in September 2017.

After scans, he said I’d be suitable for the next trial. I couldn’t wait. I finally had the hour- long procedure under general anaestheti­c in May 2018. I was woozy afterwards and had a catheter for two days. But when it came out, I could empty my bladder properly, just like when I was a boy. It was amazing!

Now I can enjoy a few pints and still sleep through — and our love life is better than ever.


Neil BarBer is a consultant urological surgeon at Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust in Surrey and Weymouth Street Hospital in london.

BeNIGN prostate growth affects most men from their late-40s onwards, when the prostate, a gland which adds the ‘carrier’ fluid to semen and surrounds the urethra, enlarges with age.

This can cause increased urinary frequency and urgency, which greatly affects quality of life.

We can offer medication which relaxes the prostate and bladder muscles, or those such as finasterid­e which block testostero­ne. These can reduce the size of the prostate by up to 30 per cent, but they all have side- effects, the latter impacting on libido and erectile function.

We also have minimally invasive options such as UroLift, where we pull the prostate aside with tiny implants. This is not suitable for larger prostates, though, as the implants aren’t strong enough.

Or we can offer transureth­ral resection of the prostate, passing electricit­y through a loop to remove prostate tissue.

While TURP is well establishe­d, it causes bleeding; and 40 to 80 per cent of men will have a permanentl­y dry ejaculatio­n, meaning nothing comes out on climax. There is also a 5 per cent risk of erectile dysfunctio­n, as the electricit­y and heat can damage nerves.

We have been trialling Aquabeam, which uses a highspeed jet of saline to ‘wash’ excess prostate tissue away.

We use live ultrasound to give us a good image of the prostate so we can plan the procedure and target the saline very carefully, so that it does not damage healthy tissue. We now have good two-year results from our randomised trial, showing that Aquabeam has a much lower risk of damaging sexual function than other procedures.

So far, global randomised trials have seen only 11 per cent of men suffer dry ejaculatio­n after Aquabeam and none so far with erectile dysfunctio­n. More than 2,000 men have now been treated.

While this is only available on the NHS at Frimley Park for now — as I was part of the trial and managed to get it adopted — I hope it will be rolled out elsewhere soon.

The procedure takes 45 to 60 minutes, usually under general or spinal anaestheti­c. First, we put an ultrasound probe into the patient’s bottom and manoeuvre it to where the prostate is.

Using the live images provided by the probe, I plan the procedure using mapping software. I gently place the handpiece through the penis, down the urethra and to the prostate, where the highspeed water jet is targeted to wash away prostate tissue. Destroyed tissue is suctioned out and removed via ports in the device.

The patient stays in hospital for one to two nights. They might have bleeding from the prostate in their urine, and urinary urgency or frequency for a couple of weeks due to inflammati­on, but this should settle down quickly.

■ THe procedure costs the NHS £2,500, and £6,500 to £9,000 privately.

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Relief: Paul Griffiths

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