Daily Mail

Straight to the POINT


■ LABOUR is promising a four-day week, the chance to choose your own hours, no tuition fees, increased pensions, a free TV licence for over-75s, cost-free housing for the homeless, extra maternity pay . . . bring it on, I can’t wait.


■ I WENT to the garden centre to buy a money tree, but an old man had bought the last one.

IAN HARRINGTON, Axminster, Devon.

■ AN INCREASE in fly-tipping (Mail)? What a surprise when we have fortnightl­y waste collection­s, reduced opening hours for recycling centres and a ban on taking DIY waste to the council dump.

TERRY CANDLER, Clacton-on-Sea, Essex.

■ PRINCE William fears his children will not see wild animals in their natural habitat. Does he mean through the sights of a hunting rifle?

JOHN COLLINS, Chelmsford, Essex.

■ SO MUCH for experts. At primary school in the 1950s, I was taught how our ancestors caught mammoths in pits (Mail).

SHEILA SAVORY, Staines-upon-Thames, Surrey.

■ SELF-PARTNERNED Emma Watson? The word spinster comes to mind.

GERALD NATHANSON, Chigwell, Essex.

■ SMOKERS contribute £12 billion in duties while £2 billion is spent on their hospital treatment. There is no VAT on most food: the obese contribute nothing to their NHS care.

ARTHUR THOMPSON, Enfield, Middlesex.

■ TESCO has ruined Casablanca for me by putting words in the mouths of the film’s stars.

ANN BRADY, Hastings, E. Sussex. FOR permission to copy cuttings for internal management and informatio­n purposes, please contact the Newspaper Licensing Agency (NLA), PO Box 101, Tunbridge Wells TN1 1WX. Tel: 01892 525273. e-mail: copy@nla.co.uk

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