Daily Mail



EVERYONE should eat more eggs. For years, we were told eggs were bad for cholestero­l levels, but that advice is out of date.

Not only are eggs safe, they’re an excellent source of an essential nutrient you’ve probably never heard of and might well be deficient in: choline.

Choline is vital for brain function and, while our bodies make a small amount, we don’t get nearly enough, which is why we must also get this nutrient from our food.

Men need 550mg a day, women 425mg — more if they are pregnant, as plenty must be passed on to the baby. Studies show that doubling choline intake in pregnancy (to 930mg daily) improves the speed at which a newborn can process informatio­n.

There is also research to suggest that a higher choline intake is associated with a reduced incidence of dementia and better cognitive performanc­e in men.

Choline is found mostly in foods of animal origin: milk, chicken, fish, eggs, beef — and some plant foods such as nuts (particular­ly peanuts and sunflower seeds).

European research has shown previously that our average choline intake levels are low, and now the trend towards vegetarian or vegan eating is raising concerns that many could end up harmfully deprived of this vital nutrient.

Whether you are an omnivore or vegetarian, there is a strong imperative to eat at least a few choline-packed eggs each week.

And if you’re a vegan, as well as eating peanuts and sunflower seeds, make sure your diet includes plenty of spinach, kale, cauliflowe­r, Brussels sprouts, mushrooms, peas and quinoa — these all contain small but worthwhile quantities.

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