Daily Mail

Mud sticks when I battle cold callers


ONE day, I was in the garden, in the tasteful outfit of a mud-encased labourer, when I heard the ringing. I flew into the house faster than Usain Bolt and dived for the phone before its mewling died, hoping to speak to someone I actually knew. Wrong. For the third time that day it was a junk call — but this time it was not a recorded voice from some shyster claiming he could mend my ailing computer. Nor was it from some posh-voiced dame from the Home Counties about the non-return of my income tax. Nor that bloke who asks at least three times a week if my oven needs cleaning. No, this one was a real live chappy. I said ‘Hello’ and turned round to admire the mud I’d trailed across the beige carpet, so thoughtful­ly left behind as part of the furniture and fittings by the previous and obviously less grubby owners. Off went the cheery chappy into his scripted sales pitch for windows. I told him we already had windows, as we found that they helped to keep out stuff like wind, rain, stray cats and burglars. I then invited him to ‘depart’ by slamming down the receiver. Seconds later the phone rang again. The barked two-word order to go elsewhere was this time taken to heart. If I want something, I go and get it. If I haven’t got something, then I neither need nor want it. I shall continue to rail at cold callers who irritate me with their unwanted sales patter, scams and con tricks. However, I am getting a bit low on carpet shampoo and my old bristle scrubbing brush is a tad on the bald side. Perhaps I will sit by the phone awaiting a call from a nice man from a carpet shampooing company, or perhaps one from a purveyor of mud-brown carpets. Ms Carol S. Wilkie, Cheddar, Somerset.

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