Daily Mail

It’s simple: Vote for Farage and lose Brexit


IMAGINE waking up next Friday to find Britain had contrived to deliver another deranging, debilitati­ng hung Parliament. Not only would Labour’s Marxists (propped up in an unholy alliance with the Liberal Democrats and SNP) rapidly bring about economic ruination. As sure as night follows day, the Brexit dream would die.

In short order there would be a second referendum. The choices: Remain, or a departure so soft it would shackle the country to the EU indefinite­ly. And Labour would unquestion­ably fix it – by extending the franchise to EU nationals.

There is, however, one sure-fire way to avoid sleepwalki­ng into this quagmire: A convincing Boris Johnson victory. And that means voting Conservati­ve.

The polls are precarious­ly close. Every single vote will count. And the stark truth is, marking an ‘X’ for the Brexit Party reduces the chance of a Tory MP being elected.

Nigel Farage has made one grand gesture, standing his troops down in Tory-held constituen­cies. Now we urge him to put pragmatism before purity one final time.

Yes, his candidates’ names will appear on ballot papers in other seats. But he should exhort his supporters to back Boris – as have four defecting Brexit Party MEPs.

Mr Farage is an extraordin­ary politician. His accomplish­ments have guided us to the verge of leaving the EU – and for that we salute him.

But if through foolish stubbornne­ss and pride he wreaks sufficient damage on the Tories to usher in a Remain coalition, his life’s work will be flushed down the drain – along with the hopes of millions of Britons.

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