Daily Mail

Tittering Trudeau shows how low our smug and infantile leaders have sunk


JOe Biden was quick off the mark with his political ad mocking President Trump. hours after the Prez returned to america following the Nato summit in London, the contemptuo­us footage was being rolled out across the globe in a damage maximisati­on bid.

‘Look, the world is laughing at him, world leaders cannot trust him,’ the democrats’ presidenti­al hopeful crowed, showing footage of Boris Johnson, President Macron of France, dutch Prime Minister Mark rutte and Canada’s Justin Trudeau sniggering behind the Trump’s back at a Buckingham Palace reception.

Their remarks were caught on an open mic because they were all too thick to realise the presence of so many TV cameras tends to suggest that a number of microphone­s will be dotted around the room, too. doh.

I watched it, then I watched again. Yes, the saga certainly said something about the kind of man Trump is, particular­ly his petulance over the whole incident later. he cut his trip short and stormed off home in a tantrumpy huff, like some giant toddler who’d just had his lollipop nicked. however, don’t you think it said oh- so-much more about his smug tormentors?

Behold this sad sack quartet of losers and chancers, who found safety in numbers and warm fellowship in jeering at a confrere who wasn’t there to defend himself.

Princess anne didn’t do herself any favours either, hovering around at the edges of this group, snickering away with the best of them. Perhaps she had forgotten that her calamity-prone younger brother andrew was banned from the event because he is up to his sweat-free neck in a rolling boil of sleaze and scandal.

Boris was in the thick of it, of course. Chortle, chortle. Mr Johnson, with his priapic hinterland and chaotic private life has little call to laugh at anyone.

even so, many of us live in hope that a solid majority and a good wind behind him will be the making of Boris — as a human being and a politician. I say hope. What I mean is fervently, desperatel­y pray. But don’t hold your breath.

Meanwhile emmanuel Macron’s two-year presidency has been disastrous, with a strike that will bring the country to its knees.

Worst of all is Trudeau, the idiotic superwoke Canadian PM who does yoga, had sympathy pains when his wife was in labour, wants to ban the word mankind because it is sexist and seemed to spend most of his youth wearing blackface for psychologi­cal reasons too awful to contemplat­e.

Instead of laughing at Trump, Justin should be studying his economic record. For while america’s economy is booming, Trudeau has driven Canada’s into prairie dust.

Look at them, tittering like fools. If women MPs or leaders behaved in such a manner they would be castigated for being unprofessi­onal. They would never, ever be taken seriously in political circles again.

angela Merkel and Theresa May perhaps have their faults but it is inconceiva­ble either would behave in such an infantile way at such an important event, with so much at stake. and if they had, they could expect to receive ten times the condemnati­on and censure that these overgrown schoolboys received.

Indeed, many profession­al Trump haters admired their pathetic display of playground nastiness, as further proof of Trump being unfit for office. Well perhaps he is. The impeachmen­t hearings will decide his future one way of the other.

In the meantime, whatever happened to statesmans­hip, to cometh the hour, cometh the man, to strength of character, rising to the occasion and doing one’s country proud? all that seems to have disappeare­d from public life a long time ago.

Instead, we are left with this shower of half-baked goons. The political class of today are just an endless, endless disappoint­ment.

 ?? EVAN Picture: ?? Grow up: Trump and Trudeau at this week’s Nato meeting
EVAN Picture: Grow up: Trump and Trudeau at this week’s Nato meeting

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