Daily Mail

Light shows and parties for Brexit Day countdown



Boris Johnson will this morning hold a Cabinet meeting in Sunderland, the first city to declare support for leaving the EU in the referendum. Ministers are expected to discuss the Prime Minister’s ‘levelling up’ agenda and how to use Brexit to spread prosperity and opportunit­y across the four nations of the UK.


At 10pm, an address by Mr Johnson will be broadcast, calling for the country to come together and move forward.


The UK’s final hour in the EU will be marked with a light display in Downing Street, including a clock counting down to 11pm projected on to the black bricks of the famous building. Ministries around Whitehall will be lit up in red, white and blue. The Government revealed plans for the light show after Mr Johnson failed in his bid to get Big Ben to bong at 11pm, the moment the UK leaves the EU – which will be midnight in Brussels. The Prime Minister is understood to be hosting his own private party in Downing Street.


Nigel Farage is organising a celebratio­n rally from 9pm in Parliament Square. Speakers will include Brexit Party MEP Ann Widdecombe and Tim Martin, the boss of Wetherspoo­n pubs. Participan­ts are

invited to wave flags and sing patriotic songs. Union Jacks have been hung around the square and down The Mall. BRUSSELS WAVES GOODBYE

European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen will say a final farewell in the European Parliament just before midday. At 7.30pm, a ceremony will see Union flags taken down inside the European Council. After 11pm our time, the UK flag that hangs outside the European Parliament alongside those of other EU member states will be removed. It will go to the House Of European History museum.

50p COIN

About three million 0p coins, minted to mark Brexit, will start showing up today. Pictured left is the Royal Mint’s commemorat­ive gold version, costing £94 . Their inscriptio­n reads: ‘Peace, prosperity and friendship with all nations.’ Chancellor Sajid Javid originally ordered production in advance of the previous departure date of October 31, but the Brexit delay meant about a million had to be melted down.


Pubs and social clubs will be marking the occasion. One such event in Morley, West Yorkshire – billed The Big Brexit Bash – will be attended by Tory MP Andrea Jenkyns and MEP Lucy Harris, and feature fireworks, music, dancing and speeches.

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