Daily Mail

£200 drug can prevent 8,000 miscarriag­es

- Daily Mail Reporter

THOUSANDS more babies could be born each year if women with a history of miscarriag­es were given a hormone, experts say.

They want progestero­ne to be given twice a day to women who bleed early in pregnancy.

Progestero­ne is naturally secreted by the ovaries and placenta in early pregnancy and is vital for a healthy baby.

Experts from the University of Birmingham and Tommy’s National Centre for Miscarriag­e say women at risk should be given it as a standard by the NHS.

They suggest the £200 drug would result in 8,450 more babies being born each year in the UK. Between 20 and 25 per cent of pregnancie­s end in a miscarriag­e, having a major clinical and psychologi­cal impact on women and their families.

A study in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecolog­y examines the findings of two trials, Promise and Prism.

Promise studied 836 women with unexplaine­d recurrent miscarriag­es at 45 hospitals in the UK and the Netherland­s, and found a 3 per cent higher live birth rate with progestero­ne.

Prism studied 4,153 women with early pregnancy bleeding at 48 hospitals in the UK. It found that giving progestero­ne resulted in a 5 per cent increase in the number of babies born to those who had suffered one or more miscarriag­es.

The benefit was even greater

‘Increases chance of a healthy baby’

for women with three or more miscarriag­es, with a 15 per cent increase in the live birth rate.

A second study, in the journal BJOG, found that the Prism trial indicated progestero­ne is cost-effective, costing on average £204 per pregnancy.

Tracy Roberts, professor of economics at the University of Birmingham, said miscarriag­es cost the NHS around £350million a year, but before the Prism research only 13 per cent of healthcare practition­ers offered progestero­ne to women at risk.

Since publicatio­n of the results last May, 75 per cent offer it.

Dr Adam Devall, senior clinical trial fellow at the University of Birmingham and manager of the

Tommy’s research centre, said: ‘The dual risk factors of early pregnancy bleeding and a history of miscarriag­es identify high risk women in whom progestero­ne is of benefit.’

Dr Pat O’Brien, vice president of the Royal College of Obstetrici­ans and Gynaecolog­ists, said: ‘ This treatment offers an increased chance of a successful birth and appears to be cost effective for the NHS, so we hope Nice will consider this important research in their next update of the guidance.’

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