Daily Mail



- by Dominic King

The staff there were incredible with me. That is the reason I am back in this shape now

THERE will come a point during this discussion when Danny Ings will explain how Pilates and a personal chef have propelled him to new heights.

Ings is in the form of his life, a livewire striker who has been central to Southampto­n’s remarkable recovery with a glut of goals that mean his potential to play for England is being spoken about with increased enthusiasm.

The dream of representi­ng his country again is also a subject he will broach.

From the moment we meet at his home on the outskirts of Southampto­n, it is clear to see this 27-year- old is mentally and physically thriving. Contentmen­t works wonders for the mind and body and Ings knows where the foundation­s for this hot streak were laid — Liverpool.

That statement, however, does not do justice to why Ings feels so indebted to his former club, who he faces tomorrow.

To fully understand the context, we must first revisit the events of

October 25, 2016 — the night when Ings was left wondering if he would make it to the top at all.

During a League Cup tie with Tottenham, he suffered cartilage damage in his right knee in an innocuous collision with Kevin Wimmer. The impact was such that it ended his season. The sting of this setback was exacerbate­d by the fact he had only just recovered from a cruciate ligament injury in the same joint.

It is not overstatin­g things to say a false move during his second big rehabilita­tion could have had catastroph­ic consequenc­es.

So an expert team at Liverpool, headed by physiother­apist Matt Konopinski, plotted his comeback to such a degree they effectivel­y taught Ings how to run again.

‘None of what I’m about to say is really well known,’ says Ings, as his beloved dogs Lewie and Daisy yap around his feet, looking for some attention. ‘They were long days, it was hard work and Matt was the front man. The staff there were incredible with me.

‘From start to finish, nothing was too much trouble for them. The days weren’t just long for me, they were long for them, too. They had families at home to go to but they were staying with me. The effort they put into me, without that detail… that is the reason I am back in this shape now.

‘I did running mechanics at John Moores University and also at an athletic centre in Manchester to see how much weight was going through each leg, to make sure that when I was back on the grass everything was the same on both sides. They saved me. I would say so, definitely.’

A popular figure at Anfield — he was part of a breakfast club that consisted of Jordan Henderson, James Milner and Adam Lallana — leaving Liverpool hurt Ings, primarily because injuries conspired to compromise his opportunit­ies after a Bosman move from Burnley.

The idea that Liverpool were happy to offload him, though, is something that is quickly dispelled.

Another previously untold story is that Jurgen Klopp personally indicated Ings should receive a contract extension in the summer of 2018, such was the esteem in which he held him.

‘The best way to say it is that they didn’t push me out of the door,’ says Ings, whose initial 12-month loan to Southampto­n became a £20million transfer on a deal that runs to June 2022.

‘It was in my court to leave. What an experience it was to be among all that, so to have it taken away from me hurt. It really hurt.

‘I just knew I had to go and make a name for myself and be the player I wanted to be.’

There will, understand­ably, be mixed emotions when he walks into Anfield for the first time in 17 months. His phone has buzzed off the hook with requests for tickets and Ings is excited at the thought of seeing so many old faces, but is just as excited to show the crowd what he has become. With 14 goals already, he has doubled last season’s return. Crucially, he has matched last season’s total for games played (24) and he credits his improved fitness to the input of Southampto­n physio Steve Wright, who convinced him to try Reformer Pilates. Ings’ flexibilit­y and core have improved to the extent that he is no longer getting fatigue in his hamstrings. The chef who visits each day, meanwhile, ensures his diet is impeccable and Ings can eat his Friday night treat — apple crumble — without any guilt. ‘I take things extremely seriously,’ he says. ‘I’ve got a

I’d never assume I’ll be in the squad in March but if it happens, it would be a hell of a story

gym and a pool here. It is vital. If I need to do any extra stretching, I’m on it all the time. since those back-to-back knees, I knew when I left Liverpool I had another shot at it to make a name for myself.

‘I have a social life, the odd glass of wine, but nothing over the top. I need to stay on top of my body. If you do all your preparatio­n during the week, it means you can have fun on a saturday. I’d like to think I have always been a good pro but since the serious injuries I have gone up a level.’

everything has gone up a level to the extent that he is now in pole position to fill the void in the england squad created by injuries to Harry Kane and marcus Rashford. Gareth southgate has a long- standing relationsh­ip with Ings, going back to his time in the

Under 21s, and the england boss has been watching.

‘I’d never assume I will be in the squad in march,’ Ings say. ‘But if it happens, it would be a hell of a story. It just shows you can have real low points in your career, but overnight you can get a lot better quickly. If it does happen, that story can inspire others, too.’

more than anything, it would be a personal triumph. Ings gave the shirt and cap he got for his sole england appearance — against Lithuania in October 2015 — to his father, shane, but he has never fully appreciate­d that achievemen­t.

He has watched the clips from that evening in Vilnius but Ings’ view of the evening was coloured by the fact he suffered the cruciate damage two days later. If he is called up in march, and keeps his place for euro 2020, the symbolism would be huge.

‘there is a lot of young talent coming through, so it is reassuring that someone like Gareth is in charge,’ says Ings. ‘He is a fair man but he has the hunger to win. He was a player. He can relate to all of us. I remember him welcoming me into the Under 21s and I felt settled with him right away.

‘Have I allowed myself to dream about the summer? Of course. any player that is doing well will have that in the back of their mind.

‘I know how difficult it can be and I know the quality that is around. If I give myself the best chance, that’s all I can do. I want to be part of it.’

In this form, why wouldn’t he? No wonder he is dreaming.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Ear we go: Ings is in the form of his life this season
GETTY IMAGES Ear we go: Ings is in the form of his life this season
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 ??  ?? Dog’s life: Danny Ings has his hands full with Daisy and Lewie
Dog’s life: Danny Ings has his hands full with Daisy and Lewie

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