Daily Mail



FEBRUARY begins with a celestial call to be productive. The movements of Venus encourage creativity. Freedom of imaginatio­n is a gift to be pursued, but there’s little to be gained by indulging in ‘art for art’s sake’. We need ideas with sustainabl­e impact and which bring tangible results before we invest our resources. If we do our homework, there’s a chance to discover enjoyable new paths to success.

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20 SINCE none of us had a hand in the design of our planet, or the speed it rotates as it orbits the Sun, it’s a wonder that we feel that we have the right to have such strong opinions about so many issues that are completely out of our control. What we would give to be able to make the universe behave in the way we want it to behave! Yes, it’s frustratin­g when something won’t bend to your will. But, what’s coming your way is going to be so much better than what you think you want. Love is in the air this month! For valuable insight and news about your emotional life, call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 DO THE gods and goddesses of destiny have meetings where they decide which lucky individual­s will enjoy success, and which unsuspecti­ng souls will be condemned to misery? People who believe in this kind of relationsh­ip with fate automatica­lly reduce their power over their future. Giving in to such fantasies is like sticking our heads in the sand and handing the reins to someone else. Keep things in perspectiv­e today. There’s no need to allow an upcoming event to blow things out of proportion. A new month! A forecast that could transform your life! For news about love and romance, call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 - June 22 JUST a glance at a newspaper or news website is enough to see how fascinated we are with winners and losers. We live in a highly competitiv­e world. That’s why we love watching sport and reading horoscopes! We want to know if we will be winners or losers today/this week/this year. It’s easy to believe that some people’s lives are completely lost, while others know only success. The truth, is that we choose our fate moment by moment. Choose hope today; it leads to success. It’s February! For news on how you can benefit from the rich opportunit­ies the month holds for you, call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 - July 23 IN YEARS gone by, no one would have known what a ‘sinkhole’ was — let alone seen one. Now, when the latest technology lets us see these extraordin­ary occurrence­s online, we have the impression that this rare geophysica­l phenomenon is commonplac­e. We find it easy to spend time worrying about things that are very unlikely to happen while ignoring issues we’d be wise to address. Recently, your judgment has been clouded by a false fear. Today, you can rise above this and see a brighter horizon.

Your in-depth, NEW February forecast could be one of the most rewarding calls you ever make. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 - Aug 23 WHEN babies grow into toddlers, their parents are kept in an almost constant state of vigilance as they protect them from the potential hazards they might encounter as they go about their days. From kitchen cupboards packed with bottles full of chemicals, to finger-height plug sockets, if they’re not careful, the adults can work themselves up into an agitated frenzy of concern. If your responsibi­lity towards someone is becoming too much, it’s time to ease off. To hear valuable informatio­n about potential changes you can make in your emotional life this month, call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23 WHEN your heart and your head are in conflict, which one is most likely to concede defeat? Surely there’s no point in having a contest; the head is most likely to be the winner because common sense will eventually prevail. Yet, since powerful emotional forces often tend to override logic, maybe it makes sense to concede to our passions? You’re being offered a chance to find a compromise today. You can find a way to merge your feelings with factual informatio­n and make a brilliant decision.

Welcome to February! Your powerful prediction for the month is ready. For inspiring insight, call 0906 751 5606.


Sep 24 - Oct 23 THERE’S a saying that ‘no matter who you vote for, the government always gets in’. When people criticise power structures; even when their views are listened to, and they find themselves promoted to powerful positions, they will eventually end up with detractors of their own. Although you may feel tempted to seize the reins and take control of a messy situation, think carefully before leaping in. You may end up being responsibl­e for situations that are beyond your control. February is going to be a special month for you. For four-minutes of life-changing news, call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22 WHERE should you go if you’re in the mood for an adventure? Where is excitement and exhilarati­on to be found? In our quest for answers, we tend to look further afield — across the sea, beyond the horizon, to the very edges of our world. It never occurs to us that what we seek might be right under our nose. The possibilit­y that we already have the ingredient­s for success doesn’t even cross our minds. But sometimes, we do. It’s time to throw everything together and turn up the heat.

For encouragin­g news about what February holds for you, call your NEW month-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5608.


Nov 23 - Dec 21 are you doing what you’re doing? No, I don’t want to hear the reason you worked out earlier. What’s the real reason? The interestin­g thing is the more we feel pushed into finding an answer, the easier it is to stumble. The truth is that since we don’t live in a rational world, few explanatio­ns hold much water. Fortunatel­y, you’re not obliged to create a plan that makes perfect sense. Today brings informatio­n that will help you refine an idea into one that works well for you. Make your dreams come true this February. For promising news about love and romance, call 0906 751 5609

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20 YOUR sign’s thirst for excitement is often overlooked by astrologer­s; they prefer to emphasise your sensible side. Yet, you have both a natural cautiousne­ss and irrepressi­ble courage; and when the two combine, sparks can fly. Although you look as if you’re consistent and calm, internally you know the challenges of conflictin­g desires and emotions. Half of you wants to push the boat out, while the other half wants to stay within the safety of the harbour walls. What to do? The sea looks very inviting! There’s excellent news in your love and romance prediction. For news that will make your heart sing, call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19 WE CAN’T be defined by our fears, or by the worries that concern us. And, though we have many duties and responsibi­lities they do not sum up the purpose of our lives. Even our most passionate feelings and loves only reveal an aspect of our true selves. You are a multifacet­ed, unique individual. You thrive when you’re challenged to think creatively. Don’t, whatever you do, allow yourself to limit your sense of identity today. Not when you have so much potential to shine.

The celestial signs are exceptiona­l. Your month holds great potential for positive change. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES ALL systems — Feb 20 - Mar 20 whether social, financial or ecological — are hierarchic­al. Those fortunate enough to occupy privileged positions at the top like to tell themselves that they’re there by their own merit; it’s their survival instinct, their intelligen­ce, or simply their people power that got them there. More likely, though, what these individual­s will eventually discover, is that their detachment cuts them off from the real world. Compassion and kindness will take you much further than you think today. Be ready for Valentine’s Day! For valuable advice about love and relationsh­ips, call 0906 751 5612.

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