Daily Mail

Today’s poem



I’m fortunate in having lived for . . . quite a lot of years, Years which had their ups and, yes, their downs. I’ve walked through sunlit meadows, and trudged o’er rough terrain, And met with scholars, artisans and clowns. I’ve made mistakes, of course I have, some of them quite grave, Been heedless, thoughtles­s, cruel . . . and the rest. Yet somehow, on this journey through patchwork patterned years I’ve gleaned some gold from Wisdom’s treasure chest. I’ve learned that life is precious, each second is a gift To celebrate or squander. It’s our choice. That everything around us is a part of that same life, And if we listen, we will hear its voice. I know that love, all powerful, miraculous, exists Eternally throughout all time and space. And everything that lives and breathes, no matter face or form Is held, without a doubt, in that embrace. That everyone has talents and wondrous gifts to share And everyone can reach out and receive Thus, all our hopes and dreams create a tapestry of time, Our lives, like tiny threads within the weave. So here we are together, we myriad strands of life, Growing and evolving, making new. And as I think about it, it’s becoming crystal clear I’m a wonder and a marvel, just like you!

Tricia Sturgeon, Mundesley, Norfolk.


Although she had hoped to impeach, Majority was out of reach. Miss Pelosi, therefore, Looking terribly sore, Decided to tear up Trump’s speech.

Robert Ben-Nathan, Denham, Bucks.

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