Daily Mail


He praises Kate Bush and granny – but no mention of 2 wives or Carrie!

- By Vanessa Allen

Boudicca was a ‘proto-Brexiteer’, Boris Johnson claimed yesterday in naming the five women who most shaped his life.

He said the British queen’s bravery in taking on the Romans was an inspiratio­n, adding: ‘What a woman.’

Boudicca joins singer Kate Bush and campaigner Malala Yousafzai in his top five. Political aide Munira Mirza and his grandmothe­r irene Williams complete the list.

Mr Johnson, 55, who announced his engagement to his girlfriend carrie Symonds on Saturday, said the Queen and Margaret Thatcher only narrowly missed the cut for his nomination­s to mark internatio­nal Women’s day on Sunday.

He told Grazia magazine he had struggled with the decision, but had chosen women who had made a personal impact on him and had ‘stirred my emotions’.


as a former member of the Revolution­ary communist Party, she might seem an unlikely inspiratio­n for a Tory prime minister. But Miss Mirza, 41, has become a key member of Mr Johnson’s inner circle since she first joined his team 12 years ago while he was London mayor.

The daughter of Pakistani immigrants, she grew up in oldham and went to a comprehens­ive before winning a place at oxford university. Now head of the downing Street policy unit, she was credited with helping to shape the manifesto that won the conservati­ves their majority at the last election.

Mr Johnson told Grazia magazine: ‘Munira is capable of being hip, cool, groovy and generally on trend. She hates cant; she hates frippery; she hates political correctnes­s. She has, all told, the most powerful nonsense-detector i have ever seen.’


Mr Johnson said that with Wuthering Heights Kate Bush had written ‘one of the world’s greatest ever pop songs, part of the soundtrack of my adolescenc­e’.

He added: ‘There are moments when i simply can’t understand what she is saying; moments she is staccato, birdlike, and then sometimes she produces a crashing bow-wave of noise unlike anything written before or since.’ it is not known if Miss Bush, 61, returns his admiration. She praised his predecesso­r Theresa May, saying she was ‘wonderful’ and ‘the best thing that’s happened to us in a long time’.


descended from royalty, the Prime Minister’s grandmothe­r irene Williams lived on an Exmoor hill farm with no central heating or mains electricit­y. Known to Mr Johnson and his family as ‘Granny Butter’, she was related to King George ii through her German great-grandmothe­r, Karoline von Rottenburg. She won a half-blue for judo while studying at oxford and would use a knife and fork even when eating potato crisps.

Mr Johnson said: ‘There is a simple reason why my grandmothe­r ranks as a heroine of mine: her sheer unconquera­ble optimism ... for Granny Butter the sun was always shining, or about to shine, and everything was pretty well marvellous.’


The Prime Minister may have had his own relationsh­ip with the Eu in mind when he praised Boudicca’s refusal to bow down in the face of Roman aggression.

The British queen led a revolt against Roman rule in the first century, vowing to ‘win the battle or perish’. The uprising failed and she is thought to have killed herself. Mr

Johnson said: ‘What a woman. The Romans have just beaten her up, raped her daughters and seized her kingdom. and what does she do? She attacks. Boudicca was driven by a simple desire for freedom. She was a Romanoscep­tic, a proto-Brexiteer ... who can say her spirit is not alive in the country today?’


Mr Johnson met Malala in 2014, two years after she was shot in the head by Taliban gunmen for speaking out against a ban on girls attending school in her native Pakistan. She was brought to Britain for surgery and has since started a global campaign for equal access to education, and has won a Nobel prize for her activism.

Mr Johnson said: ‘She was unlike anyone i had met. She was so brave, so right and so luminously idealistic that i could see i was in the presence of a modern-day saint.’

Mr Johnson added: ‘Her campaign – for female education – is the fastest and best way we could change the world... men in suits: listen to Malala.’

 ??  ?? ‘Birdlike’: Wuthering Heights singer Kate Bush
‘Birdlike’: Wuthering Heights singer Kate Bush
 ??  ?? ‘Groovy’: The PM with Munira Mirza
‘Groovy’: The PM with Munira Mirza
 ??  ?? ‘Spirit’: Queen Boudicca 4
‘Spirit’: Queen Boudicca 4
 ??  ?? ‘Shining’: Irene Williams 3
‘Shining’: Irene Williams 3
 ??  ?? ‘Idealist’: Malala Yousafzai 5
‘Idealist’: Malala Yousafzai 5

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