Daily Mail

Are teachers unoccupied now schools are closed?


NO, ‘UNOCCUPIED’ teachers can’t be redeployed to help the NHS (Letters). We only have basic first-aid training. Many of us are producing online work to enable pupils to continue their education. We are also there to support the children and their parents. Other teachers are working in schools with the children of key workers to enable them to carry out their jobs, whether it is in the NHS, as delivery drivers or in supermarke­ts.

KATE LINSCOTT, Brighton. TEACHERS are educators and highly trained profession­als, not childminde­rs. Leave the teachers to prepare the education online for all the children at home and to plan for the chaos when everything returns to normal.

F. TOWNSEND, address supplied. MANY teachers are still working in schools looking after the children of key workers. I am working with very young children and it is impossible to keep a two metre distance. The Government should provide us with gloves and aprons.

ANNE WILLIAMS, Pelsall, W. Mids. MY DAUGHTER is a teacher and worked all weekend preparing work. Fellow staff are in tears over the enormity of their workload. DOREEN DAWES, Corringham, Essex. TEACHERS are spending hours every day online setting, supporting and assessing their students’ work. Some have in excess of 150 students to support.

Name and address supplied. WITH breakfast and after-school clubs closed, frontline workers, particular­ly nurses, can’t find child care. Why can’t teachers work two shifts, covering 8am to 6pm?

PAULINE STOW, Malvern, Worcs. MY DAUGHTER teaches in a special school, which is still open. She has had breast cancer, but doesn’t want to let the school or the children down.

C. THOMPSON, Ripley, Derbys.

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