Daily Mail



1START YOUR DAY PROPERLY: Drink a glass of hot water and go for a short walk (or at the very least go outside). Minimal goals are fine because you will achieve them. There’s a Finnish saying: ‘Without the possibilit­y of failure, there is no success.’

2EXPERIENC­E COLD WATER: OK, there are no handy ice holes in your neighbourh­ood and you can’t face a freezing shower, a dip in the sea or a river. But stick your face in the kitchen sink with some ice cubes for 30 seconds. Wow! You’ll look like you’ve just run four miles.

3WRITE DOWN A SHORT GRATITUDE LIST EACH DAY: Instead of focusing on what’s wrong, choose some small things that make you feel good. 4BREATHING: Spend some time focusing on breathing slowly and emptying your mind. It’s as good as exercise if you want to achieve the Finnish notion of Rauha (serenity and peace).

5MAKE A CONSCIOUS EFFORT NOT TO WORRY: When you feel something weighing you down, cast it aside. According to Finns, ‘we are made for more than worrying’. Only worry about the things you can actually change, the rest is just debilitati­ng. Controllin­g your emotions is not suppressin­g them.

6FOCUS ON SMALL THINGS THAT BRING YOU JOY: Be that a favourite meal or stroking the cat.

7CONNECT WITH NATURE: Look closely at plants, trees and what’s living around you on your daily walk or bike ride.

8MAKE SOMETHING SIMPLE: It might be crochet, or it could be a cake, a salad or just a drawing. Whatever small form of self-expression you choose, it should be part of your daily routine.

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