Daily Mail


- Patricia Nicol

TWO zebra crossings near my home have been temporaril­y repainted in rainbow colours. They are an instantly uplifting sight. Also, a poignant one: in usual circumstan­ces, this past weekend would have seen the culminatio­n of June’s Pride celebratio­ns, with carnival marches across Britain’s cities.

How do you measure progress? I have read several recently published novels where the presence of lesbian and bisexual characters is presented as entirely unremarkab­le, which seems indicative.

But every movement needs its trailblaze­rs. The Color Purple, published in 1982, resulted in Alice Walker becoming the first black American woman novelist to win a Pulitzer Prize.

The downtrodde­n, abused Celie is married to the violent Mister. It is his mistress, the jazz singer Shug Avery, whom Celie falls in love with, and who becomes the first person to encourage Celie to learn to love herself.

A British pioneer is Jeanette Winterson. Her 1985 semi-autobiogra­phical debut novel Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit is today considered a modern coming-ofage, coming-out classic, found on school syllabuses. I recall how, at the time of publicatio­n, the lesbian storyline meant it was hailed as risqué, despite its drab setting amid the Pentecosta­l community in Accrington, Lancashire — her zealous adoptive mother brought her up as one of God’s elect.

Winterson has said that, though proud that the book has helped generation­s of young women, it is by no means just for lesbians: ‘It’s for anyone interested in what happens at the frontiers of common sense.’

Sarah Waters is another brilliant contempora­ry novelist who often explores lesbian themes. Her novel, Fingersmit­h, is one of the most thrillingl­y compulsive stories I have ever read. The Night Watch, with Blitzed London as its backdrop, movingly and compelling­ly explores several women’s struggles to live and love as they choose.

If you’re marking Lockdown Pride, any of these would be a worthy companion.

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