Daily Mail

Is it just ME?

Or has lockdown turned us into a nation of liars?

- by Claudia Connell

THIS weekend, lockdown eases. The twometre rule reduces to ‘one plus’ and two households can stay overnight.

All over social media, people are writing about how wonderful it will be, at last, to reunite with family. In some cases, I think: ‘You big, fat liar. You had a barbecue six weeks ago.’

Many of those quick to brand others ‘covidiots’ are the ones who’ve been seeing friends and family weeks before it was permitted. While lockdown has produced many heroes, it has also thrown up fibbers.

Things started early on. Many claimed only ever to go out when absolutely necessary, and always to wear a mask and gloves — at a time when there wasn’t a mask or glove to be had on the internet. And what about the people working from home who wouldn’t admit it is a wee bit of a skive compared to being in an office. ‘No,

Many quick to brand others ‘covidiots’ are the ones who’ve been seeing family for weeks

I’m in front of my laptop for nine hours solid.’ Really? You don’t occasional­ly work in your dressing gown? You don’t claim your internet is down and then go for a walk in the park?

I can’t be the only person who hasn’t learnt a language or baked a thousand loaves of sourdough?

Not that lockdown has been without its gains: I’ve gained a dress size and the drinking habits of a sailor on shore leave.

If people are only drinking one bottle of wine a fortnight, how has alcohol sales risen by up to 67 per cent? If everyone is playing chess and doing yoga, why have TV programmes recorded their highest viewing figures in years?

You can bet very soon the lockdown liars will start to claim that 14 weeks holed up at home was a doddle. Is that a pair of pants on fire that I smell?

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