Daily Mail


- by Anna Maxted

POPULAR with actors and Olympic athletes, AMP serves a glamorous clientele. Still, I’m expecting my first post-lockdown visit to this 6,500 sq ft luxury gym to be joyless, exercising inside a cling-filmed box and no chitchat allowed.

Thankfully, Steve Mellor, founder of AMP, greets me from a sensible distance with a wide smile — and neither mask nor thermomete­r. A poll of members revealed that over three-quarters didn’t want temperatur­e checks (although staff will still have their temperatur­es checked daily).

AMP, hidden away in a cobbled London mews, specialise­s in group personal training, with sessions on the hour every hour — and up to four people with each PT training in a ‘pod’ — an area containing all the necessary equipment. Postpandem­ic, the space given to each pod has doubled. Steve, who used to run the gym at Claridge’s, says: ‘UK Active, the industry body, has recommende­d 100 sq ft per person. This is double that.’

Apart from giving members more space, and trusting them to use common sense, he adds: ‘It’s easy for us to manage the way the gym is used — you can’t come unless you’ve booked — but the key for us is building confidence.’

The sense of normality is a relief, though many subtle changes have been made. ‘In every pod there are anti-viral wipes, and after you use any equipment you wipe it down,’ says Steve. ‘There’s handsaniti­ser in every pod and they’re cleaned every hour.’

The key service here is bespoke personal training, though now coaches are restricted to demonstrat­ing and explaining exercises.

The training remains top-notch, but will the pampering be scaled back? Fruit from a shared bowl is no longer an option at AMP, ‘but we still have our compliment­ary coffees,’ says Steve.

A few luscious shared products in the changing rooms will be absent — such as the facial toner — but the hair straighten­ers will stay and be cleaned after every use. And, essentiall­y, the club still looks fabulous.

AMP trial £149 a month. Monthly membership, £329, amp.fit

 ??  ?? Famous footsteps: Anna at AMP
Famous footsteps: Anna at AMP

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