Daily Mail


Could you have chronic inflammati­on? It is sometimes hard to detect, so these questions are a good way to gauge it for yourself. Answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to each one, and add up your total.


1DO YOU constantly feel tired or have low energy most of the time? 2DO YOU feel stressed most of the time? 3DO YOU have a problem sleeping? Do you struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep? 4DO YOU have gut symptoms such as bloating, gas, constipati­on, loose bowels, stomach discomfort or abdominal pain at least a couple of times a month? 5DO YOU have chronic pain, especially in the joints? 6HAVE you been struggling to lose weight, despite eating well and exercising regularly? 7DO YOU have increased cravings for sugary foods or savoury snacks? 8DO YOU tend to snack on sugary foods or savoury snacks due to boredom, being emotional, tiredness or stress, even though you are not hungry? 9DO YOU get easily irritated or feel emotional, depressed or anxious? 10HAVE you had a problem with memory and focus, ie. brain fog? 11DO YOU have any allergies, food intoleranc­es, hay fever or asthma? 12DO YOU have any skin problems, such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, or red and blotchy skin? 13HAVE you had reactions to certain foods, such as gluten or dairy products? 14HAVE you ever had a blood test that showed you had raised fasting blood sugar levels, or C-reactive protein (CRP), homocystei­ne or ferritin (proteins which are all linked to inflammati­on)? 15DO YOU have heart disease, diabetes, cancer, high cholestero­l, high blood pressure, arthritis, heartburn or another chronic condition? 16DO YOU experience headaches or migraines? 17DO YOU have irregular, painful or heavy periods? Or erectile dysfunctio­n, if you are a man? 18DO YOU get frequent colds or sinusitis? 19DO YOU smoke cigarettes at all? 20 DO YOU drink more alcohol than the official limit?

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