Daily Mail

Yes, women have heart attacks, too


THANK you for highlighti­ng the difference in care that women heart disease sufferers receive (Mail). A triple bypass at the age of 60 without doubt saved my life, but the run-up to this operation was horrific. My symptoms were getting worse and I started having panic attacks every time I had chest pains or a dizzy spell. I felt I was not being taken seriously if I attended A&E, with one consultant telling me to get a grip as I wasn’t as bad as the man in the next cubicle. I was told by a surgeon that I needed a bypass within three weeks, but I had to wait much longer than that for this essential treatment. I was the only woman in intensive care after cardiac surgery. Where were the other female heart disease sufferers? I keep being told about women who dropped dead apparently out of the blue with a heart attack. The Mail’s article supports my suspicion that women’s symptoms of heart disease are not taken seriously or are misdiagnos­ed. My message to all women is that if you feel there is a problem, don’t be put off and make sure you get the care you deserve. Be proactive — it could just save your life. After being very ill, I’m back working full-time as a midwife and am very thankful to still be here.

MARGARET JONES, Bromley, Kent. I READ with great interest Dr Michael Dixon’s account of his experience as a GP (Good Health). He is quite right about patients wanting to see the same doctor and have a relationsh­ip built on trust and their knowledge of your needs. So why have we abandoned a system that worked so well for the shambles we have now?

VALERIE WOOD, Newent, Glos. IF I CAN visit a chiropract­or, dentist or osteopath, and have my hair cut, then, with all the necessary precaution­s, why can’t I see my GP face to face? It’s shameful the way patients are being ignored and fobbed off with Covid excuses.

JAMES HORNE, Enfield, Gtr London.

 ??  ?? Not taken seriously: Margaret Jones
Not taken seriously: Margaret Jones

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