Daily Mail



ADVENTURES are often more fun to talk about than to be involved in. It’s one thing to recount an exciting trip down the Amazon, but another to be fighting off giant mosquitoes! As Mercury moves into Sagittariu­s, we’ll find ourselves talking our way into some crazy situations. If that’s awkward, remember the big picture. We’re the protagonis­t in our own story, not the narrator. Sometimes, it takes a drama to keep us glued to the page.

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20 THE best way to become a winner is to cultivate a healthy respect for losing. That doesn’t mean learning to fear it — actually, quite the opposite. The deeper we understand something, the more we become informed of all the permutatio­ns involved. If you’re unaware of what a potential loss actually looks like, it’s impossible to fully comprehend what might cause it. Take time today to have a proper look at what you don’t want. Then, you’ll find the way to get what you do want. In a month filled with awesome cosmic activity, take advantage of the potential and transform your life. Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 IN THESE strange times, the word ‘challengin­g’ crops up more frequently in your zodiac prediction­s. In the world of astrology, it’s a way of suggesting that you’re facing difficulti­es and tensions. So why don’t we just say what we mean? Well, sometimes, when you name a problem, you reinforce it. And that wouldn’t be helpful right now. As Mercury, the planet of communicat­ion, moves into a new sector of the sky, if you leave some space for uncertaint­y, you’ll become more sure of what you need to do. The Great Conjunctio­n brings potential for positive change. If you want to transform your life this month, call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 - June 22 YOU’RE feeling out of sorts. It’s as if you’re attempting to add up a series of figures, but keep arriving at a different total. You’re starting to wonder whether the numbers are morphing, as every time you look at them you seem to have a different set to deal with. Aargh! When you add the fact that you need to use the informatio­n to make a swift choice, it’s no wonder you feel pressured. Today, as your ruler enters Sagittariu­s, you can solve the problem. Just go with your initial answer. December’s Great Conjunctio­n creates positive opportunit­ies. For valuable insight about the month ahead, call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 - July 23 WHOLE branches of law are devoted to exploiting, interpreti­ng and correcting legal contracts. If the original lawyers had only done their job properly, the second lot would have been out of a job! Perhaps the legal profession should consider ditching fancy jargon in favour of more straight-to-the-point prose; that way, there’d be less chance of misunderst­anding. Before you accept someone’s help today, make sure their expertise is relevant to your needs. And don’t be baffled by unnecessar­y complicati­ons. How can you benefit from December’s Great Conjunctio­n? It can change your life! For good news, call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 - Aug 23 IF YOU were a magician, you could easily produce a handkerchi­ef out of your hat. But it might not be so easy to get it back in again, especially when the audience has seen the first trick and is focused on your every action. Yet you can do it. As Mercury changes signs today, it clarifies your thinking and gifts you with agility. If a performanc­e is required, you have the skills to knock it out of the hat! You’re in the mood to entertain. That’s great news for the people around you who need some magic. In a month filled with awesome cosmic activity, take advantage of the potential and transform your life. Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23 SOME questions knock us sideways. We think so hard that steam comes out of our ears, the cogs in our brain churn furiously and, if we’re not careful, we suffer a mental power cut. So if something has bamboozled you, what should you do? Just give up and accept you’ll never know the answer? Or put your nose to the grindstone and, somehow, find a way to push through? As your ruler changes signs, as long as you’re prepared to put the work in, you can achieve whatever you set your mind to. The Great Conjunctio­n brings potential for positive change. If you want to transform your life this month, call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23 WE TEND to think that in order to be ‘in the right place at the right time’ we just need to relocate. Yet it’s seldom a physical movement that’s required. Usually, a switch in attitude is much more likely to do the trick. Choosing to feel positive has a powerful effect on the way we cope with challenges. In a game of poker, the confident person, with an average hand, will end up winning more than the insecure player holding the aces. You’re perfectly placed to be in a winning position today. December’s Great Conjunctio­n creates positive opportunit­ies. For valuable insight about the month ahead, call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22 IS IT time to stand up and be counted, or to keep your head below the parapet? Plenty of decisions demand your attention, yet they keep returning to this question. If you wade in, you’ll become involved and any semblance of neutrality will disappear. It’s not easy to work out the implicatio­ns of investing yourself, or what sacrifices you’ll need to make. Yet it’s hard just to stand back and do nothing. The right response, as Mercury changes signs, will soon be clear. For now, just do what needs to be done. How can you benefit from December’s Great Conjunctio­n? It can change your life! For good news, call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 - Dec 21 WHEN you know what’s gone wrong, you can go about fixing it. If you’re unsure, then you can find out. So, what’s the big deal? What lies behind the feeling that you’re facing an insurmount­able problem? Although you can’t blame an overactive imaginatio­n, this issue is real. But it’s not as big as you fear. As Mercury (communicat­ion and intellect) enters your sign today, it gives you clearer perspectiv­e. You’re about to find an easy way to circumnavi­gate an obstacle. So stay calm. In a month filled with awesome cosmic activity, take advantage of the potential and transform your life. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20 JUST because you know what you want doesn’t mean you know how to get it. Some people might say that if you don’t know the latter, there’s no point in knowing the former. Yet even if you don’t know how to get it, at least you’re open to possibilit­ies. It’s far worse to know what you need to do, but realise that there’s no hope of making it happen. Just because you’re uncertain about your next move, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make it. Mercury’s change of signs brings focus and clarity today. The Great Conjunctio­n brings potential for positive change. If you want to transform your life this month, call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19 WHEN an archer draws their bow, they wait for the perfect moment to release the tension. Then the energy is liberated and the arrow flies towards its target. In the pause between those two movements, it might feel as if nothing will happen. The shift between stillness and action is almost impercepti­ble. Yet once the process is under way, it’s impossible to halt. There’s no turning back. As Mercury moves into a new sign, the good news is you don’t need to do anything of the sort! December’s Great Conjunctio­n creates positive opportunit­ies. For valuable insight about the month ahead, call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20 WE ALL have the ability to ‘freeze-frame’ moments in our lives. Whether it’s watching TV, or on our phones, we’re able to press the pause button and take a moment to digest what we’re viewing. If only we could do the same in our day-to-day lives. It would be handy to be able to fast-forward and go backwards, too. You’ve been aware of an unusual rhythm to your life. Now that Mercury’s moving into a new sector of the sky, you’ll be able to change the pace so that events move at a speed that suits you. How can you benefit from December’s Great Conjunctio­n? It can change your life! For good news, call 0906 751 5612.

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