Daily Mail

Satellite choice


FUNNY FAMILY The Simpsons, 8pm, Sky One

EPISODES about Monty Burns are usually among The Simpsons’ finest, and tonight’s new instalment — the curtain-raiser to the new, 32nd season — is no exception. Here, the nuclear plant boss dons a disguise to see what life is like for his employees, and has a revelation in the process.

COMEDY ANIMATION Disenchant­ment, Netflix

THIS animated medieval fantasy comedy from Matt Groening (The Simpsons) returns for a new, ten-strong run of episodes, in which heavy-drinking Princess Bean sets off on a grand (and visually stunning) adventure.

FILM COMEDY Blithe Spirit, 8pm, Sky Premiere

THIS new adaptation of Noel Coward’s 1941 play stars Dan Stevens as Charles Condomine, the man sharing his home with two wives — one alive (Isla Fisher), one dead (Leslie Mann). Judi Dench (pictured with Mann, Stevens and Fisher) has great fun as the medium, Madame Arcati.

SIXTIES ICONS One Night In Miami, Amazon Prime

IN 1964, Cassius Clay, Malcolm X, Sam Cooke and the NFL’s Jim Brown met behind closed doors after Clay beat Sonny Liston, just as he was about to become Muhammad Ali. Regina King’s deft drama imagines what was said between these four black icons — some of it banter, some of it pushing deep into race and life.

SUPERHERO STORY WandaVisio­n, Disney+

MARVEL’S new drama is a stunning, funny and poignant departure from past form. Today’s first two episodes find Vision and Scarlet Witch (Paul Bettany andnd Elizabeth Olsen, pictured) enjoying a picture-perfect Fifties sitcom existence, but surely, all is not as it seems? One to watch.

SCANDI-CRIME Rebecka Martinsson: Arctic Murders, 9pm, More4

THE misfortune­s pile up for Rebecka in tonight’s new episode. First, Sivving falls ill; then, she gets a nasty surprise from his unpleasant relatives, and then — to add insult to injury — she gets hit on by a suspected murderer. The case concerns a body found in a demolished hotel.

AMERICAN FAVOURITE Super Factories: Food Edition, 9pm, Discovery

IN BETWEEN Memorial Day in May and Labor Day in September, both U.S. public holidays, Americans reportedly consume seven billion hot dogs. Find out how some of them are made in this dizzying new factory tour, which also takes us inside the process for frozen meals and strawberry yoghurt.

TIME WARP TALE Life On Mars, 9pm, Drama

A REPEAT from the start for the first series, with DCI Tyler (John Simm) waking up in 1973 after being hit by a car. So, is he mad, in a coma or back in time? Whatever conclusion­s you draw by the end, this is a mighty fun ride — due in no small part to Philip Glenister’s Gene Hunt.

FANTASY SAGA A Discovery Of Witches, 9pm, Sky One

IN PART two of the new season of Sky’s vampire-witch saga, Matthew and Diana’s new life in Tudor London improves when she finally finds a tutor for her magical powers. As those Jedi-style scenes unfold, Matthew gets back in touch with his sinister old self.

FREEVIEW MOVIE Blade Runner 2049, 9pm, Sony Movies

VISUALLY and tonally, this is a strong successor to the 1982 original. Ryan Gosling is a replicant cop unpicking a mystery, with the help of Harrison Ford’s android-hunter, Rick Deckard.

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