Daily Mail

Six more months of £20 uplift in benefit


THE Universal Credit uplift is being extended until September.

The Chancellor said the temporary £20 rise, introduced at the start of the pandemic, will remain in place for half a year, ‘well beyond’ the end of the national lockdown.

Working Tax Credit claimants will receive equivalent support over the next six months through a one-off payment of £500, due to the way the system works.

Charities had been calling for the increase to be kept in place for at least a year or for it to be made permanent and urged the Government to think again.

Action for Children’s Imran Hussain said: ‘It makes no sense to cut this lifeline in six months when the furlough scheme will have ended and unemployme­nt is expected to be near its highest – exactly when families will need it most. Families need help and certainty, not a stay of execution.’

Dr Julia Faulconbri­dge, of the British Psychologi­cal Society, said: ‘Psychologi­cally the impact of a six-month extension and the uncertaint­y this brings is very damaging and this decision will have a significan­t impact on the mental (and physical) health of those already at risk as a result of living in poverty.

‘People need security at this turbulent time – the Chancellor has failed to provide that.’

James Taylor, of Scope, cited a Health Foundation poll suggesting 59 per cent of the public support making the uplift permanent, saying: ‘A temporary extension isn’t enough; another six months would mean the uplift ending just as unemployme­nt is set to peak.

‘This creates the very real risk of plunging many disabled people into poverty.’

Richard Kramer, of Sense, said: ‘ A sixmonth extension is not enough and doesn’t take into account the millions of disabled people on legacy benefits who have not received any uplift at all so far.’

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